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BEDFORD . —On December 19 , 1849 , the second anniversary of the Stuart Lodge was celebrated in Bedford . There was alarge attendance of brethren from Luton , Northampton , Hitchin , & c . At this meeting the term of office , as AV . M ., of Henry Stuart , Esq ., M . P ., expired , in ivhich office he is succeeded by Bro . Thomas Riley , of Bedford . The banquet was held at six o'clock , at which the W . M . presided , supported bP . M . StuartM . P . Brother Rulefrom the Grand
y , , , Lodge of England , P . M . Ihompson , Brethren Theed Pearse , T . AV . Pearse , Dick , M . U ., AVm . Nash , Thomas S . Trapp , & c . The Vice Chair was occupied by G . B . John Trapp , the Senior Warden of the loclge , supported by G . Brethren Ezra Eagles , Bradford , Rudge , & c . After the customary toasts were disposed of , a splendid Past Master ' s jewel was presented , by P . M . Stuart , to P . M . Rule , in acknowledgment of the kind services rendered by him on the formation
of the Stuart Lodge . The expense of the jewel was voted out of the funds at a former meeting of the lodge . The speech accompanying "the presentation was characteristic aud appropriate , and elicited a suitable reply from Bro . Rule . Succeeding this was an incident of au exceedingly interesting character , and one most unexpected to the Brother who was the special object of it . The presiding officer announced that the members of the loclge unanimously entered into a
private subscription for the puipose of presenting a testimonial of gratitude and esteem to their late excellent AV . M . AA'ith the fund thus raised they had purchased a jewel , made from a design by Bro . Rudge , which was certainly as superb in the execution , as it was chaste ancl eleg-aut in the design . Having expressed the sentiments of the loclge with regard to the liberality and general fraternal conduct of P . M . Stuartthe presiding officer handed the jewel to him . P . M .
, Stuart , who was no less g-ratified than surprised atthis mark of esteem , expressed his cordial and grateful thanks to the AV . M . ancl members of the lodge , with whom he felt so much p leasure in being associated . The harmony of the meeting was greatly promoted by Bros . Nunn ancl Hartley , the latter of whom had come from Stratford-on-Avon to attend the anniversary .
CHELMSFORD , Dec . 27 , 1849 . —The annual festival of the Lodge of Good Fellowship , 343 , was this clay celebrated at tbe Lodge-room , AVhite Hart Hotel , on which occasion the AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year was installed . The proceedings in the lodge were characterised with additional interest by the joining- of Bros . Capt . Samuel J . Skinner , R . A ., and the presence of the D . P . G . M ., Dr . G . R . Rowe , who had kindly consented to act as Installing- Master . Many other
distinguished brethren , from the metropolitan and other lodges , were present , amongst whom were Bros . Graham , Prycr , Bisgood , Simpson , Matthews , Starling , Wright , Huberts , Brown , & c . After the Deputy Provincial Grand Master had been received with the usual Masonic honours due to his exalted position in the Craft , he proceeded , in a most efficient manner , with the installation of Bro . Andrew Meggy , VOL . I . N
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BEDFORD . —On December 19 , 1849 , the second anniversary of the Stuart Lodge was celebrated in Bedford . There was alarge attendance of brethren from Luton , Northampton , Hitchin , & c . At this meeting the term of office , as AV . M ., of Henry Stuart , Esq ., M . P ., expired , in ivhich office he is succeeded by Bro . Thomas Riley , of Bedford . The banquet was held at six o'clock , at which the W . M . presided , supported bP . M . StuartM . P . Brother Rulefrom the Grand
y , , , Lodge of England , P . M . Ihompson , Brethren Theed Pearse , T . AV . Pearse , Dick , M . U ., AVm . Nash , Thomas S . Trapp , & c . The Vice Chair was occupied by G . B . John Trapp , the Senior Warden of the loclge , supported by G . Brethren Ezra Eagles , Bradford , Rudge , & c . After the customary toasts were disposed of , a splendid Past Master ' s jewel was presented , by P . M . Stuart , to P . M . Rule , in acknowledgment of the kind services rendered by him on the formation
of the Stuart Lodge . The expense of the jewel was voted out of the funds at a former meeting of the lodge . The speech accompanying "the presentation was characteristic aud appropriate , and elicited a suitable reply from Bro . Rule . Succeeding this was an incident of au exceedingly interesting character , and one most unexpected to the Brother who was the special object of it . The presiding officer announced that the members of the loclge unanimously entered into a
private subscription for the puipose of presenting a testimonial of gratitude and esteem to their late excellent AV . M . AA'ith the fund thus raised they had purchased a jewel , made from a design by Bro . Rudge , which was certainly as superb in the execution , as it was chaste ancl eleg-aut in the design . Having expressed the sentiments of the loclge with regard to the liberality and general fraternal conduct of P . M . Stuartthe presiding officer handed the jewel to him . P . M .
, Stuart , who was no less g-ratified than surprised atthis mark of esteem , expressed his cordial and grateful thanks to the AV . M . ancl members of the lodge , with whom he felt so much p leasure in being associated . The harmony of the meeting was greatly promoted by Bros . Nunn ancl Hartley , the latter of whom had come from Stratford-on-Avon to attend the anniversary .
CHELMSFORD , Dec . 27 , 1849 . —The annual festival of the Lodge of Good Fellowship , 343 , was this clay celebrated at tbe Lodge-room , AVhite Hart Hotel , on which occasion the AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year was installed . The proceedings in the lodge were characterised with additional interest by the joining- of Bros . Capt . Samuel J . Skinner , R . A ., and the presence of the D . P . G . M ., Dr . G . R . Rowe , who had kindly consented to act as Installing- Master . Many other
distinguished brethren , from the metropolitan and other lodges , were present , amongst whom were Bros . Graham , Prycr , Bisgood , Simpson , Matthews , Starling , Wright , Huberts , Brown , & c . After the Deputy Provincial Grand Master had been received with the usual Masonic honours due to his exalted position in the Craft , he proceeded , in a most efficient manner , with the installation of Bro . Andrew Meggy , VOL . I . N