Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 10 of 26 →
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read by the Venerable Archdeacon Musgrave , the psalms and lessons being selected for the ^ ccasion . The Rev . Dr . Naylor , of AA ^ akcfield , Irovincial Grand Chaplain , preached a most excellent sermon from 1 I eter , xvn . 26 , " Honour all men , love the brotherhood , fear God , honour the king . " Brother AA <" alton , of Leeds , Provincial Grancl Organist , sung , " Comfort ye my people , " in excellent style , aided by Brother bugden and the choir . The Brethren afterwards sat clown to dinner and harmony and brotherl y love prevailed . It was , indeed , the Mason ' s holiday . Brother Hon . Phili p Saville and the Provincial Grand Officers were present .
SOUTH SHIELDS , Sept . 4 . —The Brethren of St . Hild ' s Lodge , which assembled m their Lodge-room , at Cook ' s , Golden Lion Hotel , were very much annoyed b y three individuals creating a disturbance at the door of the Lod ge . The parties alluded to are surveying at the low end of South Shields , ancl their tingentlemanl y conduct iii this instance justly deserves publicity . J
ALL the Masonic Lod ges of Liverpool assembled ancl marched in splendid procession , to lay the foundation-stone of St . George ' s Hall . AVARwicif . —SHAKSPEARE LODGE , NO . 356 . —This Lodge is most successfully advancing , the accession of members of high respectability is not among the least gratifying particulars which our correspondent communicates . The Brethren assembled to celebrate St . John ' s , at the Buffs Head Inn on the 26 th of Juneandafter the solemn initiation
, , , WM CD , S ) proceeded from "labour to refreshment . " The 1 V . M . ( Brother Heydon ) presided , and was supported bv Brother N . h . lorre , D . P . G . M ., Major Hawkes , the Officers of the Lodge , & c . SHREWSBURY . —The Brethren of the Salopian Lodge of Charity , No 135 , assembled on the 28 th June , 1838 , the clay of Her Most Gracious Majesty s coronation , to celebrate that happy event by dining together in the Lodge-room , Howard-street .
FREEMASONRY IN AA ' ALES , —LOYAL AVELSH LODGE , PEMBROKE-DOCK —Un the 25 th June last , in honour of St . John , the Brethren of the St Uavid s and Loyal AVelsh Lodges with many visitors , assembled at Milford to attend divine service and dine together . The day was remarkably fine and one of the largest concourse of spectators ever known in that town congregated to witness the imposing ceremony . The Lodge having been opened by Brother Parry , AV . M ., the Brethren were ably marshalled into Masonic order b y Brother Mathias of Haverfordwest , and Thomas { Surgeon ) , Pembroke-dock , ( who kindly acted as Masters of the Ceremonies ) , and m that manner , preceded b y a military band of music waiKeci to
ot . Latliermes chape ! , where Brother the Rev . R . Bloxam chaplain of the Royal Dock Yard , at Pembroke , delivered a most eloquent and impressive discourse , and which , by permission of the Rev Brother , it is intended shall be printed . On return from church , and the Junior AVarden having done his duty , the Brethren adjourned to the banquet . Brother Parry , from the chair , having given the Queen and the usual Masonic toasts , introducina ; each with an amwomiatP
a ¦ , fi % , 0 ther Tllomas > P * * of A * Loyal AVelsh Lodge , arose , and said , 1 he pleasing task , I would rather say the pleasing duty , devolves on me to propose the next toast ; it cannot but be acknowledged , that Brother Parry , my Masonic friend , is a child of very precocious abilities , for it is now little more than two years since I first hacl the plea-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
read by the Venerable Archdeacon Musgrave , the psalms and lessons being selected for the ^ ccasion . The Rev . Dr . Naylor , of AA ^ akcfield , Irovincial Grand Chaplain , preached a most excellent sermon from 1 I eter , xvn . 26 , " Honour all men , love the brotherhood , fear God , honour the king . " Brother AA <" alton , of Leeds , Provincial Grancl Organist , sung , " Comfort ye my people , " in excellent style , aided by Brother bugden and the choir . The Brethren afterwards sat clown to dinner and harmony and brotherl y love prevailed . It was , indeed , the Mason ' s holiday . Brother Hon . Phili p Saville and the Provincial Grand Officers were present .
SOUTH SHIELDS , Sept . 4 . —The Brethren of St . Hild ' s Lodge , which assembled m their Lodge-room , at Cook ' s , Golden Lion Hotel , were very much annoyed b y three individuals creating a disturbance at the door of the Lod ge . The parties alluded to are surveying at the low end of South Shields , ancl their tingentlemanl y conduct iii this instance justly deserves publicity . J
ALL the Masonic Lod ges of Liverpool assembled ancl marched in splendid procession , to lay the foundation-stone of St . George ' s Hall . AVARwicif . —SHAKSPEARE LODGE , NO . 356 . —This Lodge is most successfully advancing , the accession of members of high respectability is not among the least gratifying particulars which our correspondent communicates . The Brethren assembled to celebrate St . John ' s , at the Buffs Head Inn on the 26 th of Juneandafter the solemn initiation
, , , WM CD , S ) proceeded from "labour to refreshment . " The 1 V . M . ( Brother Heydon ) presided , and was supported bv Brother N . h . lorre , D . P . G . M ., Major Hawkes , the Officers of the Lodge , & c . SHREWSBURY . —The Brethren of the Salopian Lodge of Charity , No 135 , assembled on the 28 th June , 1838 , the clay of Her Most Gracious Majesty s coronation , to celebrate that happy event by dining together in the Lodge-room , Howard-street .
FREEMASONRY IN AA ' ALES , —LOYAL AVELSH LODGE , PEMBROKE-DOCK —Un the 25 th June last , in honour of St . John , the Brethren of the St Uavid s and Loyal AVelsh Lodges with many visitors , assembled at Milford to attend divine service and dine together . The day was remarkably fine and one of the largest concourse of spectators ever known in that town congregated to witness the imposing ceremony . The Lodge having been opened by Brother Parry , AV . M ., the Brethren were ably marshalled into Masonic order b y Brother Mathias of Haverfordwest , and Thomas { Surgeon ) , Pembroke-dock , ( who kindly acted as Masters of the Ceremonies ) , and m that manner , preceded b y a military band of music waiKeci to
ot . Latliermes chape ! , where Brother the Rev . R . Bloxam chaplain of the Royal Dock Yard , at Pembroke , delivered a most eloquent and impressive discourse , and which , by permission of the Rev Brother , it is intended shall be printed . On return from church , and the Junior AVarden having done his duty , the Brethren adjourned to the banquet . Brother Parry , from the chair , having given the Queen and the usual Masonic toasts , introducina ; each with an amwomiatP
a ¦ , fi % , 0 ther Tllomas > P * * of A * Loyal AVelsh Lodge , arose , and said , 1 he pleasing task , I would rather say the pleasing duty , devolves on me to propose the next toast ; it cannot but be acknowledged , that Brother Parry , my Masonic friend , is a child of very precocious abilities , for it is now little more than two years since I first hacl the plea-