Article MAY. Page 1 of 1 Article VICISSITUDE. Page 1 of 2 →
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On ! gentle May ! so thou art come again To fill the Earth with gladness , and to bring Health and Delight in every passing air Of thy sweet breath , and to imbue the Earth With all the richness of the joyous Spring , New-ripeuing into Summer?—thy bright eyne Glancing like light from ' neath thy wanton hair
, Thy ripe lips wide with laughter ! The small birds Swell their loud throats to hail thee ; and whole tribes—Their season sojourned in some sunnier clime—Haste back to England , May , adoring thee ! See the poor Lamb ! a weak and new-born thing , Raising its head to breathe thy genial air , Bleats forth a note of gladness ! Old and Young ,
Sickness and Sorrow , bless thee : —even Guilt , 'Neath thy mild influence , softens into tears . Oh , thou fair May ! that I could follow thee For ever and for ever in thy round—Thy jocund round o ' er flower-besprinkled meads—Viewing the earth in one eternal Spring ! All things in newnessall things in delight
, , All things in beauty—in thy balmy air Myriads rejoicing ; and unnumbered flowers Glowing with new-born splendour . Thus I'd live , Until at last worn out , my every sense Betraying painless but assured decay , Gave me the final warning— " THOU MUST DIE 1 "
Then would I stretch me on th y lap , fair May ! And sigh my soul forth , peaceful and resigned . On some fair evening , the faint waning light Tinged with deep purple by retiring Day , Should see my parting ; and the evening dews Be the sole moisture on my peaceful grave . EDW . BREWSTER , I . G ., Moira Lodge
THE morn now opens with a golden show , And busy peasants to their labour go ; The sun ascends in majesty of light , And laughing fields present a pleasing sight ; The harvest waves its promise o ' er the hills , And with expectancy the farmer fills , Or wide extended o ' er the sunny plains , Invites the sickle of the early swains .
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On ! gentle May ! so thou art come again To fill the Earth with gladness , and to bring Health and Delight in every passing air Of thy sweet breath , and to imbue the Earth With all the richness of the joyous Spring , New-ripeuing into Summer?—thy bright eyne Glancing like light from ' neath thy wanton hair
, Thy ripe lips wide with laughter ! The small birds Swell their loud throats to hail thee ; and whole tribes—Their season sojourned in some sunnier clime—Haste back to England , May , adoring thee ! See the poor Lamb ! a weak and new-born thing , Raising its head to breathe thy genial air , Bleats forth a note of gladness ! Old and Young ,
Sickness and Sorrow , bless thee : —even Guilt , 'Neath thy mild influence , softens into tears . Oh , thou fair May ! that I could follow thee For ever and for ever in thy round—Thy jocund round o ' er flower-besprinkled meads—Viewing the earth in one eternal Spring ! All things in newnessall things in delight
, , All things in beauty—in thy balmy air Myriads rejoicing ; and unnumbered flowers Glowing with new-born splendour . Thus I'd live , Until at last worn out , my every sense Betraying painless but assured decay , Gave me the final warning— " THOU MUST DIE 1 "
Then would I stretch me on th y lap , fair May ! And sigh my soul forth , peaceful and resigned . On some fair evening , the faint waning light Tinged with deep purple by retiring Day , Should see my parting ; and the evening dews Be the sole moisture on my peaceful grave . EDW . BREWSTER , I . G ., Moira Lodge
THE morn now opens with a golden show , And busy peasants to their labour go ; The sun ascends in majesty of light , And laughing fields present a pleasing sight ; The harvest waves its promise o ' er the hills , And with expectancy the farmer fills , Or wide extended o ' er the sunny plains , Invites the sickle of the early swains .