Article HASSAN AND ZOOLMA; ← Page 6 of 18 →
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Hassan And Zoolma;
mother , she scarcely ever moved out of her own apartments , and could see what went on outside them . On the right bank of the Gauges , as the traveller sails down the broad river , and very near the large military station of Dinapoor , some umbrageous woods ( from which , at intervals , arise large tar or toddy trees ) strike the eye about a mile or so inland . Among these are , in a direct line behind the house and gardens which once belonged to the
glorious , hospitable , gentlemanly Jack Havell , alas ! now no more , is situated the College of Moolvees , at Phoolwary . The building is not perhaps particularl y handsome , but it is venerable , picturesque , and prettily situated . A gaze on it will well reward the traveller who may halt a day on his progress up or down the country , should he or she prefer a quiet rural walk to the bustle and gaiety of a military cantonment . The inhabitants of this madrussaor collegeare particularl
, , y celebrated for their learning and sanctity ; aud from their bod y has been furnished , for three quarters of a century , the greater part of the law officers attached to the courts of the surrounding districts . Among these , too , are performed , at certain seasons , a species of ceremony of which we have heard much in Turkey , though seldom , if ever , in Hindostan . It resembles that practised by the dancing dervishes of the former countrybut is in the latter termed Hal kaland consists of the
, , members , old and young , dancing round the room in succession , themselves whirling round at the same time , until the brain will stand it no longer , and each successively sinks , in a state of exhaustion , on the ground . It is conceived to be a species of inspiration , and the longer it can be continued , the more favoured the votary is supposed to be . The
sight of so many persons , old and young , with flowing garments , spinning round the room like so many teetotums , may be more easily conceived than described . To see it is , by devout Mussulmans , thought to be an object of devotion as well as of curiosity ; and to view it , on one occasion , came Shaik Azim , and with him the ladies of his family , who , for once , united to compel him to afford them a treat , in a trip from home . The crowd which was collected round the college at this assembl y and the contained
was very great ; assemblage people of all kinds , and from all countries . The festival lasted for some days , and therefore some of the more honoured guests ( among whom was Shaik Azim ) were lodged within the walls of the college , while others lived in tents erected on the plain . Here a religious mania seemed to have seized on all the visitors , and the holy fathers , who reaped a good harvest from them , gained golden opinions and benefits . On some days the Koran Shureef
was read and expounded in public ; on others , the Hal kal was performed , and in fact no American revival could have exhibited more real enthusiasm than might here be seen . Azim himself was too good a Mussulman not to have become a mureed years ago ; and he was now moved to call on his son to profess obedience to the well known devotee , Moolvee Ahumudy , than whom , at Phoolwary , none bore so great a nameor whose odour of sanctity was greaterIn the fit of
, . religious fervor , Azim , hoping too perhaps that some secret operation of the system might tender to cement an union among his household , offered his wives and famil y the same advantage . The ladies declared that they needed not such ties , since that which they relatively antl mutually had , was already sufficiently disagreeable . Amongst tlie household , Zoolnia , the slave girl , was alone found willing to become a member of the holy society . Many wondered why she , of all others .
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Hassan And Zoolma;
mother , she scarcely ever moved out of her own apartments , and could see what went on outside them . On the right bank of the Gauges , as the traveller sails down the broad river , and very near the large military station of Dinapoor , some umbrageous woods ( from which , at intervals , arise large tar or toddy trees ) strike the eye about a mile or so inland . Among these are , in a direct line behind the house and gardens which once belonged to the
glorious , hospitable , gentlemanly Jack Havell , alas ! now no more , is situated the College of Moolvees , at Phoolwary . The building is not perhaps particularl y handsome , but it is venerable , picturesque , and prettily situated . A gaze on it will well reward the traveller who may halt a day on his progress up or down the country , should he or she prefer a quiet rural walk to the bustle and gaiety of a military cantonment . The inhabitants of this madrussaor collegeare particularl
, , y celebrated for their learning and sanctity ; aud from their bod y has been furnished , for three quarters of a century , the greater part of the law officers attached to the courts of the surrounding districts . Among these , too , are performed , at certain seasons , a species of ceremony of which we have heard much in Turkey , though seldom , if ever , in Hindostan . It resembles that practised by the dancing dervishes of the former countrybut is in the latter termed Hal kaland consists of the
, , members , old and young , dancing round the room in succession , themselves whirling round at the same time , until the brain will stand it no longer , and each successively sinks , in a state of exhaustion , on the ground . It is conceived to be a species of inspiration , and the longer it can be continued , the more favoured the votary is supposed to be . The
sight of so many persons , old and young , with flowing garments , spinning round the room like so many teetotums , may be more easily conceived than described . To see it is , by devout Mussulmans , thought to be an object of devotion as well as of curiosity ; and to view it , on one occasion , came Shaik Azim , and with him the ladies of his family , who , for once , united to compel him to afford them a treat , in a trip from home . The crowd which was collected round the college at this assembl y and the contained
was very great ; assemblage people of all kinds , and from all countries . The festival lasted for some days , and therefore some of the more honoured guests ( among whom was Shaik Azim ) were lodged within the walls of the college , while others lived in tents erected on the plain . Here a religious mania seemed to have seized on all the visitors , and the holy fathers , who reaped a good harvest from them , gained golden opinions and benefits . On some days the Koran Shureef
was read and expounded in public ; on others , the Hal kal was performed , and in fact no American revival could have exhibited more real enthusiasm than might here be seen . Azim himself was too good a Mussulman not to have become a mureed years ago ; and he was now moved to call on his son to profess obedience to the well known devotee , Moolvee Ahumudy , than whom , at Phoolwary , none bore so great a nameor whose odour of sanctity was greaterIn the fit of
, . religious fervor , Azim , hoping too perhaps that some secret operation of the system might tender to cement an union among his household , offered his wives and famil y the same advantage . The ladies declared that they needed not such ties , since that which they relatively antl mutually had , was already sufficiently disagreeable . Amongst tlie household , Zoolnia , the slave girl , was alone found willing to become a member of the holy society . Many wondered why she , of all others .