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Original And Supplementary Freemasonry.
derivative origin from that system of which they are said to have been mere imitations . Though firmly convinced that Freemasonry is the genuine descendant of the Mysteries of the Ancients , I shall , for the moment , adopt Dr . Oliver ' s view of the existence of two systems , that I may endeavour to show that the evidences of high antiquity and priority of origin , are in favour of the Spurious Freemasonry ; to show that the Mysteries do not
altogether deserve obloquy , and finally to demonstrate the direct ori gin of the ceremonies of modern Freemasonry from those of the ancient Mysteries . The circumstances from which the evidences of priority of origin are to be derived , are doctrines and principles , rites and ceremonies , emblems , and symbols * I must here remark that Dr . Oliver has already so deeply drawn upon the stores of antiquity , and has collected such a vast amount of facts from
the various sources of classic lore , in support of his opinions , that it is impossible , in writing on the Antiquities of Freemasonry , to avoid quoting many passages which have appeared in his own works , for the purpose of applying those passages and historical evidences in a different way , and to the controversion of the opinions in whose support he has brought them forward . Firstthenfor the doctrines and princiles taught in the ancient
, , p Mysteries . The Mysteries of the ancient world , by whatever appellation known , and wherever practised , —whether the Osiric of Egypt , the Mithraic of Persia , the Cabiric of Samothrace , the Eleusinian of Greece , or the Druidic of the Celtic tribes , had for their object the communication of high and important truths relative to the divine nature , to cosmogony , and natural hilosophy . In them were taughtunder the most solemn
p , oaths of secrecy , those esoteric doctrines respecting the nature of the gods , and the origin of things , which it was considered dangerous and impolitic to reveal to the uninitiated and unprepared multitude . The arts and sciences , as then known , were imparted in the shape of dogmatic formula ; and the alluring researches of magic and divination were occasionally cultivated by the half-enlightened sages of those early times .
The main truths taught by these secret societies were the unity and eternity of the Deity , the immortality of the soul , the resurrection from the dead , and the reward in a future state of good or evil committed in this life , together with the indestructibility of matter , and certain hypotheses associated with these great truths , resulting in a great measure from the limited condition of their physical knowledge , which did not , however , essentially interfere with the enunciation of these leading principles . The avowed end and object of initiation into the Mysteries was
the regeneration of the soul , the illumination of the natural darkness of the human mind by the light of divine truth and pure philosophy , the exaltation of the intellect from the obscure and grovelling paths of ignorance and superstition to the contemplation of the glorious sunshine of knowledge and virtue . The fragments preserved to us in the writings of Eusebius , Proclus , and others of the Orphic hymns , many of which cerlainly relate to the doctrines of the Mysteries and the ceremonies of initiation ; all tend to show the nature of the instruction conveyed , and
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Original And Supplementary Freemasonry.
derivative origin from that system of which they are said to have been mere imitations . Though firmly convinced that Freemasonry is the genuine descendant of the Mysteries of the Ancients , I shall , for the moment , adopt Dr . Oliver ' s view of the existence of two systems , that I may endeavour to show that the evidences of high antiquity and priority of origin , are in favour of the Spurious Freemasonry ; to show that the Mysteries do not
altogether deserve obloquy , and finally to demonstrate the direct ori gin of the ceremonies of modern Freemasonry from those of the ancient Mysteries . The circumstances from which the evidences of priority of origin are to be derived , are doctrines and principles , rites and ceremonies , emblems , and symbols * I must here remark that Dr . Oliver has already so deeply drawn upon the stores of antiquity , and has collected such a vast amount of facts from
the various sources of classic lore , in support of his opinions , that it is impossible , in writing on the Antiquities of Freemasonry , to avoid quoting many passages which have appeared in his own works , for the purpose of applying those passages and historical evidences in a different way , and to the controversion of the opinions in whose support he has brought them forward . Firstthenfor the doctrines and princiles taught in the ancient
, , p Mysteries . The Mysteries of the ancient world , by whatever appellation known , and wherever practised , —whether the Osiric of Egypt , the Mithraic of Persia , the Cabiric of Samothrace , the Eleusinian of Greece , or the Druidic of the Celtic tribes , had for their object the communication of high and important truths relative to the divine nature , to cosmogony , and natural hilosophy . In them were taughtunder the most solemn
p , oaths of secrecy , those esoteric doctrines respecting the nature of the gods , and the origin of things , which it was considered dangerous and impolitic to reveal to the uninitiated and unprepared multitude . The arts and sciences , as then known , were imparted in the shape of dogmatic formula ; and the alluring researches of magic and divination were occasionally cultivated by the half-enlightened sages of those early times .
The main truths taught by these secret societies were the unity and eternity of the Deity , the immortality of the soul , the resurrection from the dead , and the reward in a future state of good or evil committed in this life , together with the indestructibility of matter , and certain hypotheses associated with these great truths , resulting in a great measure from the limited condition of their physical knowledge , which did not , however , essentially interfere with the enunciation of these leading principles . The avowed end and object of initiation into the Mysteries was
the regeneration of the soul , the illumination of the natural darkness of the human mind by the light of divine truth and pure philosophy , the exaltation of the intellect from the obscure and grovelling paths of ignorance and superstition to the contemplation of the glorious sunshine of knowledge and virtue . The fragments preserved to us in the writings of Eusebius , Proclus , and others of the Orphic hymns , many of which cerlainly relate to the doctrines of the Mysteries and the ceremonies of initiation ; all tend to show the nature of the instruction conveyed , and