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Genuine British Wine Establishment, 17, ...
GENUINE BRITISH WINE ESTABLISHMENT , 17 , LOWER HOLBORN , OPPOSITE FURNIVAL ' S INN , LONDON . T ^ AND T . TAYLOR , whose long and extensive experience in the manufacture of XJ ' BRITISH WINES , justifies them in laying claim to the confidence of those families who may honour them with their patronage , beg leave to announce that they have an Extensive Stock in their Cellars of the following Wines , of the most superior
quality , and free from adulteration , at 18 s . per dozen . These wines are sent out in any quantities to suit the convenience of Purchasers : — ORANGE GINGER PARSNIP RAISIN RASPBERRY MOUNTAIN TENT DRY SUN LISBON RED CURRENT BLACK CURRANT GOOSEBERRY ELDER RICH MALAGA GRAPE CALOAVELLA MUSCA & C & C . & C .
WHITE CURRANT DAMSON E . and T . TAYLOR have a large stock of Genuine Sparkling Champagne , which they confidently recommend to the notice of Connoisseurs , at 30 s . per dozen . The great and prevailing fault which has been justly found with British Wines has been , that " they are drank too new ; " or , as a celebrated wine-manufacturer , in the department of Aix , has written in his account of " British and Foreign Wines contrasted , " " They are made one day , and drank the next . " The British Wines , for which E . and T . Taylor have so long been celebrated , are never sent out to their Customers until they
have been two years in cask , and six months in bottle . Their Ginger Wine , which is of the most exquisite flavour , possessing high qualities , of a medicinal nature , is strongly recommended by theFaculty to all persons labouring under the painful effects of spasms and flatulency . As a " Dinner Wine , " their Lisbon is in the
greatest repute at the tables of the most distinguished Families in the Empire . Their Orange , Malaga , Raspberry , Raisin , and their various CurrantWines , possess the healthful properties of being highly nutritious and wholesome . These wines will in any respect supersede , at the tables of even the rich and affluent , the necessity of introducing expensive Foreign Wines of three times the priee ; therefore , upon the score of economy , in a domestic point of view , their Wines are not to be surpassed . E . and T . Taylor beg again to remind their Friends , that they have always an
Extensive Stock in their Cellars to meet the increased demand ; and the public may rely upon their determination to merit , by the superiority of their Wines , that extensive patronage which has been for so many years bestowed upon them . Orders from the Country , with a reference for payment in London , executed with the strictest regard to punctuality and despatch . E . AND T . TAYLOR ,
Oil , Italian , and British Wine Warehouse , 17 , Lower Holborn , opposite Furnival ' s Inn , London . —Bottles , 3 s . per dozen , Hampers , Is . per dozen , and Casks , Is . per gallon , charged , and allowed for when returned . E . AND T . TAYLOR'S GINGER WINE . CAUTION . —In consequence of the many spurious kinds sold as their manufacture , E . and T . TAYLOR feel it due to the Public to state that they have no Agents
whatever , either in Town or Country , for the sale of their celebrated GINGER and other BRITISH WINES , and that none are genuine except their names be on the seal , and also branded on the botton of each cork . Ginger Wine Warehouse , IT , Holborn , opposite Furnival ' s Inn . —18 s . per dozen .
Eight Day Clocks. To Strike The Hours An...
EIGHT DAY CLOCKS . TO STRIKE THE HOURS AND IIAtF-HOURS , FIVE GUINEAS EACH . 'T'HEY are in elegant cases , about 7 | inches high , suitable either to stand on a bracket - *¦ or mantle-piece . Warranted at T . Cox SAVORY ' Working Goldsmith , & c . & c 47 , Cornhill , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Genuine British Wine Establishment, 17, ...
GENUINE BRITISH WINE ESTABLISHMENT , 17 , LOWER HOLBORN , OPPOSITE FURNIVAL ' S INN , LONDON . T ^ AND T . TAYLOR , whose long and extensive experience in the manufacture of XJ ' BRITISH WINES , justifies them in laying claim to the confidence of those families who may honour them with their patronage , beg leave to announce that they have an Extensive Stock in their Cellars of the following Wines , of the most superior
quality , and free from adulteration , at 18 s . per dozen . These wines are sent out in any quantities to suit the convenience of Purchasers : — ORANGE GINGER PARSNIP RAISIN RASPBERRY MOUNTAIN TENT DRY SUN LISBON RED CURRENT BLACK CURRANT GOOSEBERRY ELDER RICH MALAGA GRAPE CALOAVELLA MUSCA & C & C . & C .
WHITE CURRANT DAMSON E . and T . TAYLOR have a large stock of Genuine Sparkling Champagne , which they confidently recommend to the notice of Connoisseurs , at 30 s . per dozen . The great and prevailing fault which has been justly found with British Wines has been , that " they are drank too new ; " or , as a celebrated wine-manufacturer , in the department of Aix , has written in his account of " British and Foreign Wines contrasted , " " They are made one day , and drank the next . " The British Wines , for which E . and T . Taylor have so long been celebrated , are never sent out to their Customers until they
have been two years in cask , and six months in bottle . Their Ginger Wine , which is of the most exquisite flavour , possessing high qualities , of a medicinal nature , is strongly recommended by theFaculty to all persons labouring under the painful effects of spasms and flatulency . As a " Dinner Wine , " their Lisbon is in the
greatest repute at the tables of the most distinguished Families in the Empire . Their Orange , Malaga , Raspberry , Raisin , and their various CurrantWines , possess the healthful properties of being highly nutritious and wholesome . These wines will in any respect supersede , at the tables of even the rich and affluent , the necessity of introducing expensive Foreign Wines of three times the priee ; therefore , upon the score of economy , in a domestic point of view , their Wines are not to be surpassed . E . and T . Taylor beg again to remind their Friends , that they have always an
Extensive Stock in their Cellars to meet the increased demand ; and the public may rely upon their determination to merit , by the superiority of their Wines , that extensive patronage which has been for so many years bestowed upon them . Orders from the Country , with a reference for payment in London , executed with the strictest regard to punctuality and despatch . E . AND T . TAYLOR ,
Oil , Italian , and British Wine Warehouse , 17 , Lower Holborn , opposite Furnival ' s Inn , London . —Bottles , 3 s . per dozen , Hampers , Is . per dozen , and Casks , Is . per gallon , charged , and allowed for when returned . E . AND T . TAYLOR'S GINGER WINE . CAUTION . —In consequence of the many spurious kinds sold as their manufacture , E . and T . TAYLOR feel it due to the Public to state that they have no Agents
whatever , either in Town or Country , for the sale of their celebrated GINGER and other BRITISH WINES , and that none are genuine except their names be on the seal , and also branded on the botton of each cork . Ginger Wine Warehouse , IT , Holborn , opposite Furnival ' s Inn . —18 s . per dozen .
Eight Day Clocks. To Strike The Hours An...
EIGHT DAY CLOCKS . TO STRIKE THE HOURS AND IIAtF-HOURS , FIVE GUINEAS EACH . 'T'HEY are in elegant cases , about 7 | inches high , suitable either to stand on a bracket - *¦ or mantle-piece . Warranted at T . Cox SAVORY ' Working Goldsmith , & c . & c 47 , Cornhill , London .