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Baldwin , Grand Secretary of Munster ; Bro . Westrop , of Cork ; Bro . Moystin , of Waterford ; Bro . Haddo , of the Indian army ; Captain Speedy , Captain Fielder , and Lieutenant Burdett , of the 17 th Lancers ; and Captain Simpson , of the 19 th regiment , and who has since been admitted a member . Evory Carmichael , Esq ., of Fitzwilliam Place , after due consideration , a full discussion and ballot , was declared duly elected Junior Deacon for the next six months . The musical Brethren merited the most unqualified praise ; the tout ensemble at the festive board was well conducted under the direction of Bro . G . J . Baldwin .
MASONIC DINNER TO W . PORTER , ESQ ., ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE CAPE . —The friends of the Masonic ( ) rder and the admirers of talent met on Thursday evening , June 6 th , at the Imperial Hotel , to do honour to the one and the other in the person of William Porter , Esq ., lately appointed Attorney-General for the Cape of Good Hope . The invitation came from Lotlge No . 141 , of which Mr . Porter is now Senior Warden , and was Master elect ; but the Craft , among whom it is said that jealousy never exists , poured in in great numbers from the Lodges
Nos . 20 , 50 , & c . The dinner was served up in the most sumptuous style , and the richest wines circulated in abundance . The chair was taken by Mr . Creighton . The Chairman , in an appropriate speech , proposed the health of their esteemed and honoured guest , alluding to those peculiar merits and virtues which have procured for him the affection and admiration of men of all parties and opinions . Mr . Porter returned thanks in a very eloquent and feeling speech . The festivities of the night were prolonged to a late hour .
CORK . —THE GRAND MASONIC FANCY BALL . —This splended fete came off 6 th May , at the Imperial Hotel . Tickets had been issued to over six hundred persons , and that large assemblage began to crowd the great rooms at ten o ' clock . Two bands of music , and a quadrille band , which occupied a position in the ball-room , and the beautiful band of the Scots Greys for waltzes and country dances , which were placed in the gallery under the able superintendence of Mr . David Owen , their master , alternatel
played y . The room was hung with a variety of bannersthe generality bearing Masonic emblems . There were some from other nations—with the star-bespangled flag of America , which were thought suggestive of the wide-spread of the Craft . In the Ball-room , in front of the music gallery , was placed an excellently executed transparency of that female acquisition to Masonry , the Hon . Mrs . Aldworth . The stern daring of her character was admirabl y depicted , and the painting
acted as a talisman to the eye of the reflective beholder , who imagined the presidency of so remarkable a member of the gentler sex . In the supper room , where refreshments were laid out in a style of great elegance and profusion , highly creditable to the enterprising proprietor of the Imperial , there was a handsome transparency of her gracious Majesty Queen Victoria . The characters were well varied , and some were admirably sustained . The mingled habiliments of nationsand
many , many times , assumed ages and sexes , formed an association so much out of the common , as to gratify much by its variety . A good sprinkling of British and foreign uniforms throughout the sets had a happy and enlivening effect . The Messrs . Newenham were attired in the uniform of the Household , or Life Guards , which admirably suited their manly figures . Lord Glenlyon well became the Athol tartan and kilt as a Highland Chief . His Lordship was attended by his henchman ; and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Baldwin , Grand Secretary of Munster ; Bro . Westrop , of Cork ; Bro . Moystin , of Waterford ; Bro . Haddo , of the Indian army ; Captain Speedy , Captain Fielder , and Lieutenant Burdett , of the 17 th Lancers ; and Captain Simpson , of the 19 th regiment , and who has since been admitted a member . Evory Carmichael , Esq ., of Fitzwilliam Place , after due consideration , a full discussion and ballot , was declared duly elected Junior Deacon for the next six months . The musical Brethren merited the most unqualified praise ; the tout ensemble at the festive board was well conducted under the direction of Bro . G . J . Baldwin .
MASONIC DINNER TO W . PORTER , ESQ ., ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE CAPE . —The friends of the Masonic ( ) rder and the admirers of talent met on Thursday evening , June 6 th , at the Imperial Hotel , to do honour to the one and the other in the person of William Porter , Esq ., lately appointed Attorney-General for the Cape of Good Hope . The invitation came from Lotlge No . 141 , of which Mr . Porter is now Senior Warden , and was Master elect ; but the Craft , among whom it is said that jealousy never exists , poured in in great numbers from the Lodges
Nos . 20 , 50 , & c . The dinner was served up in the most sumptuous style , and the richest wines circulated in abundance . The chair was taken by Mr . Creighton . The Chairman , in an appropriate speech , proposed the health of their esteemed and honoured guest , alluding to those peculiar merits and virtues which have procured for him the affection and admiration of men of all parties and opinions . Mr . Porter returned thanks in a very eloquent and feeling speech . The festivities of the night were prolonged to a late hour .
CORK . —THE GRAND MASONIC FANCY BALL . —This splended fete came off 6 th May , at the Imperial Hotel . Tickets had been issued to over six hundred persons , and that large assemblage began to crowd the great rooms at ten o ' clock . Two bands of music , and a quadrille band , which occupied a position in the ball-room , and the beautiful band of the Scots Greys for waltzes and country dances , which were placed in the gallery under the able superintendence of Mr . David Owen , their master , alternatel
played y . The room was hung with a variety of bannersthe generality bearing Masonic emblems . There were some from other nations—with the star-bespangled flag of America , which were thought suggestive of the wide-spread of the Craft . In the Ball-room , in front of the music gallery , was placed an excellently executed transparency of that female acquisition to Masonry , the Hon . Mrs . Aldworth . The stern daring of her character was admirabl y depicted , and the painting
acted as a talisman to the eye of the reflective beholder , who imagined the presidency of so remarkable a member of the gentler sex . In the supper room , where refreshments were laid out in a style of great elegance and profusion , highly creditable to the enterprising proprietor of the Imperial , there was a handsome transparency of her gracious Majesty Queen Victoria . The characters were well varied , and some were admirably sustained . The mingled habiliments of nationsand
many , many times , assumed ages and sexes , formed an association so much out of the common , as to gratify much by its variety . A good sprinkling of British and foreign uniforms throughout the sets had a happy and enlivening effect . The Messrs . Newenham were attired in the uniform of the Household , or Life Guards , which admirably suited their manly figures . Lord Glenlyon well became the Athol tartan and kilt as a Highland Chief . His Lordship was attended by his henchman ; and