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ST . ALBAN ' . —A warrant for a Lodge , in titled after the honoured name of St . Alban , reputed to have formed the first Grand Lodge in Britain , A . D . 287 , has been granted , and would have come into operation on the 17 th of this month ; but the Prov . G . M . for the province , the Marquis of Salisbury , was compelled , on account of his parliamentary duties , to postpone the consecration until July .
SURREY . — CROYDON — FREDERICK LODGE OF UNITY , No . 661 , May 24—Br . R . L . Wilson was unanimously re-elected W . M ., and Br . Thodey Smith Treasurer . The Master proposed the presentation of a Jewel to Bro . Chrees ( Prov . G . D , ) , as a mark of respect for his unwearied exertions as Secretary , and for the support he had given to the Master , in obtaining the warrant for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge . This Lodge will meet every fourth Tuesday during the summer ; the
rail-road affords great convenience for London visitors . CARSHALTON LODGE , No . 680 , May . —This Lodge was opened by dispensation from Lord Monson , by Br . W . F . Hope , W . M . The warrant was recommended by the Croydon Lodge , No . 661 , for the purpose of affording a more economical arrangement than is adopted in the Frederick Lodge . The Provincial Grand Master has announced his intention of consecrating the Lodge on the 8 th of July .
A petition for a new Lodge at Croydon has been laid before Lord Monson ; but the same not being recommended by the existing one , and for various other reasons , the petition has not been granted . The principals-elect of the Frederick Chapter , No . 661 , the Charter of which was granted at the last Grand Chapter , have been regularly installed in the Mount Sion Chapter . The Chapter will meet at the Greyhound , Croydon , as soon as arrangements permit .
SHEERNESS . —ADAM s LODGE , NO . 184 , Jan . 3 , —This Lodge , we are happy to say , still progresses , and advancing in Masonic statutes . The instalment of Br . Firminger as W . M . for the ensuing year , was performed by Br . G . P . Philipe , G . S . B . It is many a day since a ceremony so conducted took place , and the impression made on the Brethren was highly gratifying . On the 2 nd of April , the Brethren presented Br . Keddell , P ., M . with an elegant Past . Master ' s Jewelin token of the high sense the Brethren
, entertain of his valuable exertions in the cause of Masonry . The Jewel was presented in open Lodge by the W . M . in an emphatic address , embodying sentiments appropriate to the object in view . Br . Keddell acknowledged the kindness of his Brethren in a truly Masonic speech , and especially addressed the younger Members , inviting them to press on , and acquire the knowledge that would entitle them to reward and honours .
May 20 . —On Monday , the Freemasons of the county of Kent held their fourth annual parliament for the county . The preliminaries being arranged , a very grand procession moved on from the Lodge to Trinity Church , where prayers were read , and a sermon preached by the Rev . D . Jones , in aid of the Masonic Charities , after ¦ which the Brethren dined together .
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ST . ALBAN ' . —A warrant for a Lodge , in titled after the honoured name of St . Alban , reputed to have formed the first Grand Lodge in Britain , A . D . 287 , has been granted , and would have come into operation on the 17 th of this month ; but the Prov . G . M . for the province , the Marquis of Salisbury , was compelled , on account of his parliamentary duties , to postpone the consecration until July .
SURREY . — CROYDON — FREDERICK LODGE OF UNITY , No . 661 , May 24—Br . R . L . Wilson was unanimously re-elected W . M ., and Br . Thodey Smith Treasurer . The Master proposed the presentation of a Jewel to Bro . Chrees ( Prov . G . D , ) , as a mark of respect for his unwearied exertions as Secretary , and for the support he had given to the Master , in obtaining the warrant for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge . This Lodge will meet every fourth Tuesday during the summer ; the
rail-road affords great convenience for London visitors . CARSHALTON LODGE , No . 680 , May . —This Lodge was opened by dispensation from Lord Monson , by Br . W . F . Hope , W . M . The warrant was recommended by the Croydon Lodge , No . 661 , for the purpose of affording a more economical arrangement than is adopted in the Frederick Lodge . The Provincial Grand Master has announced his intention of consecrating the Lodge on the 8 th of July .
A petition for a new Lodge at Croydon has been laid before Lord Monson ; but the same not being recommended by the existing one , and for various other reasons , the petition has not been granted . The principals-elect of the Frederick Chapter , No . 661 , the Charter of which was granted at the last Grand Chapter , have been regularly installed in the Mount Sion Chapter . The Chapter will meet at the Greyhound , Croydon , as soon as arrangements permit .
SHEERNESS . —ADAM s LODGE , NO . 184 , Jan . 3 , —This Lodge , we are happy to say , still progresses , and advancing in Masonic statutes . The instalment of Br . Firminger as W . M . for the ensuing year , was performed by Br . G . P . Philipe , G . S . B . It is many a day since a ceremony so conducted took place , and the impression made on the Brethren was highly gratifying . On the 2 nd of April , the Brethren presented Br . Keddell , P ., M . with an elegant Past . Master ' s Jewelin token of the high sense the Brethren
, entertain of his valuable exertions in the cause of Masonry . The Jewel was presented in open Lodge by the W . M . in an emphatic address , embodying sentiments appropriate to the object in view . Br . Keddell acknowledged the kindness of his Brethren in a truly Masonic speech , and especially addressed the younger Members , inviting them to press on , and acquire the knowledge that would entitle them to reward and honours .
May 20 . —On Monday , the Freemasons of the county of Kent held their fourth annual parliament for the county . The preliminaries being arranged , a very grand procession moved on from the Lodge to Trinity Church , where prayers were read , and a sermon preached by the Rev . D . Jones , in aid of the Masonic Charities , after ¦ which the Brethren dined together .