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embraced the earliest opportunity of "joining ; " and from that time down to the last two years he continued a firm , steady , and zealous supporter of it in all its phases and vicissitudes . He was elected W . M . on several occasions , and on emergencies filled the office of Treasurer , and any other appointments that might conduce to the general interests of the Lodge . On account of declining healthBro . Cardozo was prevented during
, the last two years from attending the usual meetings of the Lodge , and was , in 1836 , elected an honorary member . Of the many who seek distinctions in the Craft , there are but few who can say they have earned them with a zeal , steadiness of purpose , and a truly disinterested benevolence , in a greater degree than our departed Bro . Cardozo . He was never solicitous of distinctions in Masonry in any other sense than as they miht be the means of enabling him to
g walk in a sphere of more extended usefulness ; and although he knew how to appreciate the value of the splendid jewels and orders indicative of the degrees and attainments of members in the Craft , he also knew how to discriminate between the garish bedizening of the outward man , and the proud moral elevation of the genuine Mason . The charity of my deceased friend was of the most enlarged and comprehensive character . It was not bounded by the conventional limits
of any particular Masonic circle , but -wide as the expanse of the universe . All the children of misery received his sympath y , aud as far as his means permitted , his practical benevolence . His labours as one of the committee of the Girls' School will bear a lasting testimony to his exertions on behalf of that most interesting
charity . Scarcely able to move from his chamber , he nevertheless at the greatest inconvenience and physical suffering , attended the meetings of the committee , exemplifying an indomitable energy of mind in the discharge of the sacred duties of his office , and thus exhibiting a practical illustration of the power and spirit of that most sublimated of all Masonic virtues—Charity . Bro . Cardozo was devotedly attached to Masonry as a moral and social institution : he was not onla proficient in the practice of its rules
y and discipline , but he was also distinguished for reducing its magnificent and unique precepts to operative purposes . With a fascinating ingenuousness of manner , he knew how to combine a sincerity of disposition , which won the affections of all those of the Fraternity who came within the cincture of his acquaintance . " Well versed in the ancient landmarks and usages of the order , " he was at all times ready to impart to any Brother who sought instruction the stores of his own Masonic
acquirements and intelligence ; and , Sir , no one can be more indebted than myself for the liberal instruction which I obtained from that abundant fountain of mystic knowledge . The natural talents and abilities of Bro . Cardozo were ( in a Masonic point of view ) much assisted b y his intimate acquaintance with the Hebrew language , the knowledge of which was one sure passport to the honour of a friendly notice from the royal and illustrious MWGM
...., by whom our Brother Cardozo was hi ghly esteemed and respected . His deportment in the Lodge was of that kind as to show the most exact and the strictest conformity to the usages , practice , and externals of our Order ; whilst to a thorough knowledge of the principles of Masonry and its illustrations , as expounded by the ablest commentators , he added a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
embraced the earliest opportunity of "joining ; " and from that time down to the last two years he continued a firm , steady , and zealous supporter of it in all its phases and vicissitudes . He was elected W . M . on several occasions , and on emergencies filled the office of Treasurer , and any other appointments that might conduce to the general interests of the Lodge . On account of declining healthBro . Cardozo was prevented during
, the last two years from attending the usual meetings of the Lodge , and was , in 1836 , elected an honorary member . Of the many who seek distinctions in the Craft , there are but few who can say they have earned them with a zeal , steadiness of purpose , and a truly disinterested benevolence , in a greater degree than our departed Bro . Cardozo . He was never solicitous of distinctions in Masonry in any other sense than as they miht be the means of enabling him to
g walk in a sphere of more extended usefulness ; and although he knew how to appreciate the value of the splendid jewels and orders indicative of the degrees and attainments of members in the Craft , he also knew how to discriminate between the garish bedizening of the outward man , and the proud moral elevation of the genuine Mason . The charity of my deceased friend was of the most enlarged and comprehensive character . It was not bounded by the conventional limits
of any particular Masonic circle , but -wide as the expanse of the universe . All the children of misery received his sympath y , aud as far as his means permitted , his practical benevolence . His labours as one of the committee of the Girls' School will bear a lasting testimony to his exertions on behalf of that most interesting
charity . Scarcely able to move from his chamber , he nevertheless at the greatest inconvenience and physical suffering , attended the meetings of the committee , exemplifying an indomitable energy of mind in the discharge of the sacred duties of his office , and thus exhibiting a practical illustration of the power and spirit of that most sublimated of all Masonic virtues—Charity . Bro . Cardozo was devotedly attached to Masonry as a moral and social institution : he was not onla proficient in the practice of its rules
y and discipline , but he was also distinguished for reducing its magnificent and unique precepts to operative purposes . With a fascinating ingenuousness of manner , he knew how to combine a sincerity of disposition , which won the affections of all those of the Fraternity who came within the cincture of his acquaintance . " Well versed in the ancient landmarks and usages of the order , " he was at all times ready to impart to any Brother who sought instruction the stores of his own Masonic
acquirements and intelligence ; and , Sir , no one can be more indebted than myself for the liberal instruction which I obtained from that abundant fountain of mystic knowledge . The natural talents and abilities of Bro . Cardozo were ( in a Masonic point of view ) much assisted b y his intimate acquaintance with the Hebrew language , the knowledge of which was one sure passport to the honour of a friendly notice from the royal and illustrious MWGM
...., by whom our Brother Cardozo was hi ghly esteemed and respected . His deportment in the Lodge was of that kind as to show the most exact and the strictest conformity to the usages , practice , and externals of our Order ; whilst to a thorough knowledge of the principles of Masonry and its illustrations , as expounded by the ablest commentators , he added a