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Freemasonry In The 46th Regiment.
WERE it possible to awaken the departed nations of the earth , and , giving to the Egyptian , the Syrian , ancl the Chaldean a tongue , bid them declare the vast benefits that' have accrued to mankind from the ' silent but powerful operations of Freemasonry , how would the cynic and sceptical philosopher start to find that the sciences , whose pursuit had strengthened their mental
powersthe learning , whose possession had made them proud—the refinements of civilization , which habit had rendered necessary to their existence—were hut the vigorous offspring of that venerable parent , whose claims they had so scornfully rejected . Eternal as the benefits conferred would he the gratitude of the whole human race to those early hrethren , who devoted their time and energies
to inrprove the condition of mankind , could they hut trace the progress of the Order through the persecutions of cruelty , the opposition of bigotry , and the ecmally fatal darkness of ignorance and rjrejudice . To encounter these enemies to human happiness , to destroy this hydra , the good , the enlightened and benevolent
of all nations enlisted under the sacred banner of Masonry ; lessening by their inventive genius , the wants and miseries of savage life , and . gradually adorning it with those social charms which form the great bond of union through the wraid . Should the sceptic still ask the utility of our Order now , when the art of printing has rendered oral learning vain , when science
has descended from her pedestal to become the playmate of the child , and the youth of to-day is wiser than the sages of old , — let him ask of the hundreds of innocent children , whom Masonic charity hath clothed , whom Masonic virtue hath trained in the paths of respectability and truth ? There will he find his answer . — Let him seek the . proscribed wanderer from distant lands , whose
exile hath heen cheered by the hand of fraternal fellowship . Ask of the venturous mariner , whose vessel , tossed ou the foaming waves , the sport of the tempest and the storm , has cast him helpless on some unknown shore : —faint and exhausted , he finds a home where kindred never dwelt ; a means of communication where language were unintelligible ; help where all seemed to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In The 46th Regiment.
WERE it possible to awaken the departed nations of the earth , and , giving to the Egyptian , the Syrian , ancl the Chaldean a tongue , bid them declare the vast benefits that' have accrued to mankind from the ' silent but powerful operations of Freemasonry , how would the cynic and sceptical philosopher start to find that the sciences , whose pursuit had strengthened their mental
powersthe learning , whose possession had made them proud—the refinements of civilization , which habit had rendered necessary to their existence—were hut the vigorous offspring of that venerable parent , whose claims they had so scornfully rejected . Eternal as the benefits conferred would he the gratitude of the whole human race to those early hrethren , who devoted their time and energies
to inrprove the condition of mankind , could they hut trace the progress of the Order through the persecutions of cruelty , the opposition of bigotry , and the ecmally fatal darkness of ignorance and rjrejudice . To encounter these enemies to human happiness , to destroy this hydra , the good , the enlightened and benevolent
of all nations enlisted under the sacred banner of Masonry ; lessening by their inventive genius , the wants and miseries of savage life , and . gradually adorning it with those social charms which form the great bond of union through the wraid . Should the sceptic still ask the utility of our Order now , when the art of printing has rendered oral learning vain , when science
has descended from her pedestal to become the playmate of the child , and the youth of to-day is wiser than the sages of old , — let him ask of the hundreds of innocent children , whom Masonic charity hath clothed , whom Masonic virtue hath trained in the paths of respectability and truth ? There will he find his answer . — Let him seek the . proscribed wanderer from distant lands , whose
exile hath heen cheered by the hand of fraternal fellowship . Ask of the venturous mariner , whose vessel , tossed ou the foaming waves , the sport of the tempest and the storm , has cast him helpless on some unknown shore : —faint and exhausted , he finds a home where kindred never dwelt ; a means of communication where language were unintelligible ; help where all seemed to