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Gray's Inn Wine Establishment,
?? tdj ijolboni , Eoirtfon
A View of the latest 'Improvements of the Vaults of Ike Gray ' s Inn Wine Establishment . THE Proprietors of this Establishment deem it no longer necessary to enter into a detail of those princi ples ivhich for four years they have been most anxiously solicitous to establish , and which have at length gained them so large a portion of public favour . That favour is to them the best conviction that their labours have not been unappreciated ; they have therefore only to offer an expression of
their warmest gratitude for patronage and support they believe to be unprecedented in this immense Metropolis , attended each succeeding year by increased success in every department , until it has anrived at a magnitude far beyond their most sanguine expectations . Success is too frequently the bane of future exertion ; the proprietors naturally feel proud of the eminence on which their Establishment has been placed
by the Public : but it is an honest and grateful pride , wliich , instead of relaxing , will stimulate them to still further exertion , in the assurance that it will secure to them a continuance of that confidence in their integrity which it will be their highest ambition to deserve . GEORGE HENEKEY & COMPY .
PRICES OF THE GRAY'S INN WINE ESTABLISHMENT . Duty paid ; delivered to any part of London , free of Expense . WINES IN WOOD .
PcrPipc . HUd . Qr . Cask , Port , very good . . £ 60 £ 30 10 £ 15 10 Do . superior . . . 65 33 17 0 Bo . for immediate bottling 75 38 19 10 Do . do . . , . 84 42 10 21 10 A few pipes of extraordi- " ) nary old Wines , of ( „ , . . hi h characterand Md & Iu "
, f full of flavour . . J Sherries ( golden ) . . 55 28 14 10 Do . pale or brown . . 60 30 10 15 10 Do . superior . . . 68 34 10 17 10 Do . very superior . . 75 38 19 5 Sherries , any colour . 84 42 10 21 10 I
Pet Pipe , Hha . Ut . Cast . Sherries , very old , any colour 93 47 21 10 ..Do . very high character , ! , ,. scarce . . / Do . very choice old East j , „ India . j ljL 0 60 Vidonia . . . 45 23 12 0 Do . London Particular . 55 28
Marsala , the best . . 45 23 Cape , good and clean . 25 13 6 15 Do . superior . . . 30 15 10 8 0 Do . Madeira or Sherry 1 character . . . J 36 18 10 9 10 Tw- : ^_^„^ CT—
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Gray's Inn Wine Establishment,
?? tdj ijolboni , Eoirtfon
A View of the latest 'Improvements of the Vaults of Ike Gray ' s Inn Wine Establishment . THE Proprietors of this Establishment deem it no longer necessary to enter into a detail of those princi ples ivhich for four years they have been most anxiously solicitous to establish , and which have at length gained them so large a portion of public favour . That favour is to them the best conviction that their labours have not been unappreciated ; they have therefore only to offer an expression of
their warmest gratitude for patronage and support they believe to be unprecedented in this immense Metropolis , attended each succeeding year by increased success in every department , until it has anrived at a magnitude far beyond their most sanguine expectations . Success is too frequently the bane of future exertion ; the proprietors naturally feel proud of the eminence on which their Establishment has been placed
by the Public : but it is an honest and grateful pride , wliich , instead of relaxing , will stimulate them to still further exertion , in the assurance that it will secure to them a continuance of that confidence in their integrity which it will be their highest ambition to deserve . GEORGE HENEKEY & COMPY .
PRICES OF THE GRAY'S INN WINE ESTABLISHMENT . Duty paid ; delivered to any part of London , free of Expense . WINES IN WOOD .
PcrPipc . HUd . Qr . Cask , Port , very good . . £ 60 £ 30 10 £ 15 10 Do . superior . . . 65 33 17 0 Bo . for immediate bottling 75 38 19 10 Do . do . . , . 84 42 10 21 10 A few pipes of extraordi- " ) nary old Wines , of ( „ , . . hi h characterand Md & Iu "
, f full of flavour . . J Sherries ( golden ) . . 55 28 14 10 Do . pale or brown . . 60 30 10 15 10 Do . superior . . . 68 34 10 17 10 Do . very superior . . 75 38 19 5 Sherries , any colour . 84 42 10 21 10 I
Pet Pipe , Hha . Ut . Cast . Sherries , very old , any colour 93 47 21 10 ..Do . very high character , ! , ,. scarce . . / Do . very choice old East j , „ India . j ljL 0 60 Vidonia . . . 45 23 12 0 Do . London Particular . 55 28
Marsala , the best . . 45 23 Cape , good and clean . 25 13 6 15 Do . superior . . . 30 15 10 8 0 Do . Madeira or Sherry 1 character . . . J 36 18 10 9 10 Tw- : ^_^„^ CT—