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The Freemason's Quarterly Review.
progress , and the various schools into which they may be resolved . The Useful Arts will be attended to , and every endeavour
made to promulgate their advancement . —On these subjects we invite the communications of our talented Brethren . The Revieius will be conducted with strict impartiality ,
and due regard to the interests of the Public and the Authors . The conductors feel they would fail in their duty , did they not point out the advantage which must accrue , and the reliance which may be placed upon the
opinions of a work intended to employ the attention of the largest society in the world , embracing in its community not merely individuals of the very hig hest rank , but so considerable a portion of the literary and scientific of all nations .
Whatever confidence we feel in our own resources , it must be acknowledged that we rely chiefly upon the assistance to be obtained from the intelligence and knowledge of others , to embellish our future pages . We , therefore , most
earnestly solicit the co-operation of the Fraternity , and more especially of the Masters and Past-Masters of Lodges , requesting they will transmit to us whatever is useful , remarkable , and amusing , which their experience and
information may have collected ; so that our Magazine may give to the world its well-authenticated proofs of History , Knowledge , or Anecdote .
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The Freemason's Quarterly Review.
progress , and the various schools into which they may be resolved . The Useful Arts will be attended to , and every endeavour
made to promulgate their advancement . —On these subjects we invite the communications of our talented Brethren . The Revieius will be conducted with strict impartiality ,
and due regard to the interests of the Public and the Authors . The conductors feel they would fail in their duty , did they not point out the advantage which must accrue , and the reliance which may be placed upon the
opinions of a work intended to employ the attention of the largest society in the world , embracing in its community not merely individuals of the very hig hest rank , but so considerable a portion of the literary and scientific of all nations .
Whatever confidence we feel in our own resources , it must be acknowledged that we rely chiefly upon the assistance to be obtained from the intelligence and knowledge of others , to embellish our future pages . We , therefore , most
earnestly solicit the co-operation of the Fraternity , and more especially of the Masters and Past-Masters of Lodges , requesting they will transmit to us whatever is useful , remarkable , and amusing , which their experience and
information may have collected ; so that our Magazine may give to the world its well-authenticated proofs of History , Knowledge , or Anecdote .