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List Of New Publications.
DIVINITY . T HREE SEKMONS inscribed to the Friends of Peace , Reason ,, and Revelation . By a Clergyman of the Church of England . Svo . Price 23 . 6 d . White . Remarks on important Theological Controversies . BythelaieKev . Dr .
Jonathan Edwards , Presidentofthe College of New- Jersey . Svo .- Price 4 s . 6 d . Lour man . PHYSIC . A Systematic Arrangement of Minerals . By Wm . Babington , M . D . 2 d Edit . 4 to . 3 s . 6 d . Cox . HISTORY AND TRAVELS
The Life of Lorenzo de Medicis , called 'he Magnificent . By William Roscoe . 2 d Edit . 2 vols . 410 . Price 2 l . 25 . Cadell and Davies , An Epitome of Universal History . By John Payne . 2 vol . Svo . Price 13 s . Johnson . POETRY .
An Epistle in Verse to the Rev . Dr . Randolph . Svo . Price is . Parsons . An Equestrian Epistle in Verse to the Right Hon . the Earl of Jersey , Svo . Price IS . Parsons .
NOVELS . The Creole ; or , the Haunted Island . By Samuel Arnold , Junior . 3 vol . i 2 mo . Price ios . 6 d . La-w . The Horrid Mysteries : a Story . Translated from the German of Grosse , by P , Will . 4 vol . 121110 . Price 14 s . Lane .
The Knights of the Swan , or the Court of Charlemagne , a Romance . By the ^ MBless of Gonlis . 2 vol . J 2 mo . ^^ B ^ fs . Vcrnor and Hood . 'Ihe V ^ iiis ; or the Mysterious Adventures of Eon Carlos de Gnmdez . Translated from the German cf Von Grosse . By Joseph 'frapp . 2 vol .
I 2 mo . Price os . Allen and West . Angelo , a novel . By Edward Henry liiff . 2 vol . i 2 ino . Price 5 s . Allen end West . DRAMATIC . The Iron Chest , a Play , with a Preface By George Colman , the younger , pi'o . Price 2 S . Cadell and Davies .
MISCELLANEOUS . A Treatise on Painting . By Leonardo da Vinci . Translated from the Italian . Svo . Price 7 s . Taylor . A Political and Military Rhapsody on the Invasion and Defence of Great Britain and Ireland . By the late Gen .
Lloyd . 4 th' Edit . Svo . Price 73 . Debrtlt . A New System of Stenography , or Short Hand . By Thomas Rees . 4 II 1 Edit . Svo . Price 25 . Longman . An Essay on the Public Merits of Mr . Pitt . By ThomasBeddowes , M . D . Svo . Price JS . 6 d . Johnson . An Historical Essay on the Principles of Political Associations in a State . By the Rev . John Brand , M . A . Svo . Price 2 S . 6 d . Longman
PAMPHLETS . A Cursory View of the Transaction ; of the 13 th Vindcmiaire ( October jth , 1795 ) and of their Effects . Translated from the French . Svo . Price is . Longman . An Appeal to Popular Opinion against Kidnapping and Murder . By
John Thehvall . Svo . Price is . Jordan . Remarks on Mr . Column's Preface . Svo . Price is . Cavilbom . The Trial of John Sellers , Richard Footner , and Elizabeth Jones , for the Murder of Mr . Thomas Yates . Svo . Price is . ilarr . A Sketch of a Political Tour through
Rochester , Chatham , Maidstone , Giavesend & c . By Thomas Gale Jones . S ^ o . Price 2 S , 6 d . Jordan . A Letter to Thomas Paine , in Reply to his Deciina and Fail of the English System of Finance . By Daniel Wakefield . Svo . Price is . Rivingion . Two Letters addressed to a British
Merchant before the Meeting of a New Parliament in 175 6 . Svo . Price is . 6 d . Long-nan . A Letter to the Right Hon . William Curtis , Lord Mayor of London , on the National Debt and Resources of Great Britain . By Simeon Pope . Svo . Price 25 . Stcckdale . A Few State Criminals brought to the Bar of public Justice . Svo . Price is . Laloit .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of New Publications.
DIVINITY . T HREE SEKMONS inscribed to the Friends of Peace , Reason ,, and Revelation . By a Clergyman of the Church of England . Svo . Price 23 . 6 d . White . Remarks on important Theological Controversies . BythelaieKev . Dr .
Jonathan Edwards , Presidentofthe College of New- Jersey . Svo .- Price 4 s . 6 d . Lour man . PHYSIC . A Systematic Arrangement of Minerals . By Wm . Babington , M . D . 2 d Edit . 4 to . 3 s . 6 d . Cox . HISTORY AND TRAVELS
The Life of Lorenzo de Medicis , called 'he Magnificent . By William Roscoe . 2 d Edit . 2 vols . 410 . Price 2 l . 25 . Cadell and Davies , An Epitome of Universal History . By John Payne . 2 vol . Svo . Price 13 s . Johnson . POETRY .
An Epistle in Verse to the Rev . Dr . Randolph . Svo . Price is . Parsons . An Equestrian Epistle in Verse to the Right Hon . the Earl of Jersey , Svo . Price IS . Parsons .
NOVELS . The Creole ; or , the Haunted Island . By Samuel Arnold , Junior . 3 vol . i 2 mo . Price ios . 6 d . La-w . The Horrid Mysteries : a Story . Translated from the German of Grosse , by P , Will . 4 vol . 121110 . Price 14 s . Lane .
The Knights of the Swan , or the Court of Charlemagne , a Romance . By the ^ MBless of Gonlis . 2 vol . J 2 mo . ^^ B ^ fs . Vcrnor and Hood . 'Ihe V ^ iiis ; or the Mysterious Adventures of Eon Carlos de Gnmdez . Translated from the German cf Von Grosse . By Joseph 'frapp . 2 vol .
I 2 mo . Price os . Allen and West . Angelo , a novel . By Edward Henry liiff . 2 vol . i 2 ino . Price 5 s . Allen end West . DRAMATIC . The Iron Chest , a Play , with a Preface By George Colman , the younger , pi'o . Price 2 S . Cadell and Davies .
MISCELLANEOUS . A Treatise on Painting . By Leonardo da Vinci . Translated from the Italian . Svo . Price 7 s . Taylor . A Political and Military Rhapsody on the Invasion and Defence of Great Britain and Ireland . By the late Gen .
Lloyd . 4 th' Edit . Svo . Price 73 . Debrtlt . A New System of Stenography , or Short Hand . By Thomas Rees . 4 II 1 Edit . Svo . Price 25 . Longman . An Essay on the Public Merits of Mr . Pitt . By ThomasBeddowes , M . D . Svo . Price JS . 6 d . Johnson . An Historical Essay on the Principles of Political Associations in a State . By the Rev . John Brand , M . A . Svo . Price 2 S . 6 d . Longman
PAMPHLETS . A Cursory View of the Transaction ; of the 13 th Vindcmiaire ( October jth , 1795 ) and of their Effects . Translated from the French . Svo . Price is . Longman . An Appeal to Popular Opinion against Kidnapping and Murder . By
John Thehvall . Svo . Price is . Jordan . Remarks on Mr . Column's Preface . Svo . Price is . Cavilbom . The Trial of John Sellers , Richard Footner , and Elizabeth Jones , for the Murder of Mr . Thomas Yates . Svo . Price is . ilarr . A Sketch of a Political Tour through
Rochester , Chatham , Maidstone , Giavesend & c . By Thomas Gale Jones . S ^ o . Price 2 S , 6 d . Jordan . A Letter to Thomas Paine , in Reply to his Deciina and Fail of the English System of Finance . By Daniel Wakefield . Svo . Price is . Rivingion . Two Letters addressed to a British
Merchant before the Meeting of a New Parliament in 175 6 . Svo . Price is . 6 d . Long-nan . A Letter to the Right Hon . William Curtis , Lord Mayor of London , on the National Debt and Resources of Great Britain . By Simeon Pope . Svo . Price 25 . Stcckdale . A Few State Criminals brought to the Bar of public Justice . Svo . Price is . Laloit .