Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. Page 1 of 6 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
TREATY OF NAVIGATION AND COMMERCE BETWEEN HIS BMTANNIG MAJESTY AND THE EMPEROR OP RUSSIA . SIGNED AT ST . yETEnSBUKGH , FEB . 10-21 , 1797 . In the Name of the most holy and nn . fi-jitfuif Trinityt HIS Majesty the King of Great Britain , and His Majesty the Emperor of aft the Russiasalready united by the ties of the most intimate alliancearid
, , having it equally at heart to cement more and more the good correspondence which subsists between them and their respective kingdoms , and as much as it is in their power to make the reciprocal commerce between their subjects prosper , have judged it proper to collect under one point of view , and to fix the reciprocal rights and duties , upon which they have agreed amongst themselves , in order to encourage and facilitate the mutual exchanges betwixt the two Nations . In consequence of whichand in orderwithout delayto proceed to the perfection of so
, , , salutary a work , their said Majesties have chosen and nominated , for their Plenipotentiaries , that is to say , His Majesty the King of Great Britain , the Sieur Charles Whitworth , his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Imperial Court of Russia , Knight of ( he Order of the Bath ; and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias , the Sieur Alexander Count of Besborodko , his actual Privy Councillor of the First Class , Senator Minister of the Council of State , Director General of the Posts , and Knight of the Orders of St . Andrew , of St . Alexander Newsky , of St . Ann of the First Class , and Grand Cross of St . Waladimef
of the First Class ; the Sieur Alexander Prince of Kourakin , his Vice Chancellor , actual Privy Councillor , Minister of ihe Council of State , actual Chamberlain , and Knight of the Orders of St . Andrew , of St . Alexander Newsky , and of St . Ann of the First Class , as also of the Orders of Denmark , of Dannebrog , and of the
Perfect Union ; and the Sieur Peter Soimonow , his Privy Councillor , Senator President of the College of Commerce , and Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St . Waldiniir of the Sect . nd Class : who , in virtue of their full powers , have agreed and concluded upon the following articles : Art . I . The peace , friendship and good intelligence , which have happily hitherto subsisted between their Majesties the King of Great Britain and the Emperor of ail the Russias , shall be confirmed and established by this Treaty , in such
manner , that from the present and for the future there shall be between the Crown of Great Britain on one side , and the Crown of all the Russias , on the other , as also betwixt the States , Countries , Kingdoms , Domains and Territories , under their dominion , a true , sincere , firm and perfect peace , friendship , and good intelligence , which shall last , for ever , and shall be inviolably observed equally by sea and land , and upon the fresh waters ; and the subjects , people and inhabitants on each side , of whatever slate or condition they may be , shall mutually treat each other with every possible kind of benevolence and assistance , without doing each
other any wrong or damage whatsoever . II . The subjects of the two High Contracting Powers shall have perfect freedom of navigation and commerce in all their dominions situated in Europe , where navigation and commerce are permitted at present , or shall be so hereafter , by the High Contracting Parties , to any other nation . HI . It is agreed that the subjects of the two High Contracting Parties may enter , trade , and remain with their ships , vessels , and carriages , laden or empty , in all the ports , places , and cities where the same is permitted to the subject of any other nation whatsoever ; and the sailors , passengers and ships , whether British
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Monthly Chronicle.
TREATY OF NAVIGATION AND COMMERCE BETWEEN HIS BMTANNIG MAJESTY AND THE EMPEROR OP RUSSIA . SIGNED AT ST . yETEnSBUKGH , FEB . 10-21 , 1797 . In the Name of the most holy and nn . fi-jitfuif Trinityt HIS Majesty the King of Great Britain , and His Majesty the Emperor of aft the Russiasalready united by the ties of the most intimate alliancearid
, , having it equally at heart to cement more and more the good correspondence which subsists between them and their respective kingdoms , and as much as it is in their power to make the reciprocal commerce between their subjects prosper , have judged it proper to collect under one point of view , and to fix the reciprocal rights and duties , upon which they have agreed amongst themselves , in order to encourage and facilitate the mutual exchanges betwixt the two Nations . In consequence of whichand in orderwithout delayto proceed to the perfection of so
, , , salutary a work , their said Majesties have chosen and nominated , for their Plenipotentiaries , that is to say , His Majesty the King of Great Britain , the Sieur Charles Whitworth , his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Imperial Court of Russia , Knight of ( he Order of the Bath ; and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias , the Sieur Alexander Count of Besborodko , his actual Privy Councillor of the First Class , Senator Minister of the Council of State , Director General of the Posts , and Knight of the Orders of St . Andrew , of St . Alexander Newsky , of St . Ann of the First Class , and Grand Cross of St . Waladimef
of the First Class ; the Sieur Alexander Prince of Kourakin , his Vice Chancellor , actual Privy Councillor , Minister of ihe Council of State , actual Chamberlain , and Knight of the Orders of St . Andrew , of St . Alexander Newsky , and of St . Ann of the First Class , as also of the Orders of Denmark , of Dannebrog , and of the
Perfect Union ; and the Sieur Peter Soimonow , his Privy Councillor , Senator President of the College of Commerce , and Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St . Waldiniir of the Sect . nd Class : who , in virtue of their full powers , have agreed and concluded upon the following articles : Art . I . The peace , friendship and good intelligence , which have happily hitherto subsisted between their Majesties the King of Great Britain and the Emperor of ail the Russias , shall be confirmed and established by this Treaty , in such
manner , that from the present and for the future there shall be between the Crown of Great Britain on one side , and the Crown of all the Russias , on the other , as also betwixt the States , Countries , Kingdoms , Domains and Territories , under their dominion , a true , sincere , firm and perfect peace , friendship , and good intelligence , which shall last , for ever , and shall be inviolably observed equally by sea and land , and upon the fresh waters ; and the subjects , people and inhabitants on each side , of whatever slate or condition they may be , shall mutually treat each other with every possible kind of benevolence and assistance , without doing each
other any wrong or damage whatsoever . II . The subjects of the two High Contracting Powers shall have perfect freedom of navigation and commerce in all their dominions situated in Europe , where navigation and commerce are permitted at present , or shall be so hereafter , by the High Contracting Parties , to any other nation . HI . It is agreed that the subjects of the two High Contracting Parties may enter , trade , and remain with their ships , vessels , and carriages , laden or empty , in all the ports , places , and cities where the same is permitted to the subject of any other nation whatsoever ; and the sailors , passengers and ships , whether British