Article WOODGRANGE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No. 2409. ← Page 4 of 4 Article WOODGRANGE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No. 2409. Page 4 of 4 Article Masonic Sonnets, No. 106. Page 1 of 1
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Woodgrange Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2409.
KINGSTON LODGE , No . 1010 . THE installation of Bro . Robert Carson , C . E ., as Worshipful Master , took place on the 5 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Kingston Square , Hull . Bro . H . Woodhouse , LL . D ., P . M . Provincial Grand Registrar performed the ceremony , which was attended by a large number of members of the Lodge and Visiting Brethren . The usual banquet followed .
Bro . Dr . Woodhouse , in proposing the toast of the evening , " The W . M . and Officers of the Kingston Lodge , " said with all sincerity he could say that Bro . Carson fully deserved the high and important position to which he had been called by the unanimous vote of his Brethren . His work as a Freemason had been the
admiration of the Past Musters , as well as the Brethren , and his popularity was amply evinced by the splendid attendance that night . Bro . Carson loved Masonry and had been unremitting in his devotion to the duties of his various Offices . The Kingston Lodge held a unique position in the town , and they fully expected its prestige to be maintained during the year in the highest possible
sense . Bro . Carson , in reply , said he felt deeply sensible of the high honour done him , and although he could not aspire to the brilliant achievements of so many of the illustrious Past Masters of the Lodge , yet they could rely upon his utmost endeavours whilst
occupying the chair . He was gratified that the choice of his Officers had met with general satisfaction , and he knew they would render him every possible assistance in carrying out the onerous duties of his post . The impresshe manner in which Bro . Woodhouse had performed the installatiou ceremony was beyond all praise , and he tendered to him his sincerest thanks .
Bro . Colonel Fawcett Pudsey proposed the retiring W . M . end Officers , to which Bro . Wright Mason , M . B ., responded . Bro . Major Wellsted , J . P ., having submitted the Masonic Charities , the Sister Lodges , Visiting Brethren , & c , were given , and the proceedings shortly afterwards terminated . o o o
THE annual installation took place at the Masonic Chambers , Hamilton Street , Birkenhead , on Friday , 14 th inst ., when Bro . F . S . Moore S . W . was installed by Bro . C . S . Dean P . M . P . G . J . D .
ROCK LODGE , No . 1289 ,
ARCHITECT LODGE , No . 1375 . THE regular meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Chorltoncum-Hardy , on Friday , the 7 th inst ., there being present : — Bros . Jas . Morrison jun . W . M ., C . H . Beever I . P . M ., Alf . Pickford S . W ., Chas . Rawle J . W ., W . D . Fryer P . M . Treasurer , Henry Nail P . M . Sec , T . A . Holland S . D ., W . T . Hesketh P . M . D . C ., J .
Coupland I . G ., Wm . Rushton Organist , Jno . M . Crone , Sam Tiller , R . Kastner , J . R . E . Birkett , A . Redfearn , Ed . M . Beebee Stewards , Edward Roberts P . M . ( FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE ) , Arthur A . Moss P . M ., Jno . G . Bromley P . M ., W . J . Bull , Hugh W . Bloomer , Baron E . de Minciaky . Visitors : —Bros . A . Millington W . M . 152 , Geo . W . Davies W . M . 1459 , Percy E . Land W . M . 1496 , J . Townley Trotter Sec . 1459 , Walter Taylor J . W . 1993 , B . Eckersley I . P . M . 1134 , John Jordrell P . M . 1052 .
The principal business of the evening was the raising to the sublime degree of Bro . W . J . Bull , and the . election of Officers . The ceremony was performed by the W . M ., he being assisted by Bro . Rawle J . W . Bro . Holland received many commendations for the manner in which he performed his duties as Senior Deacon , which added materially to the success of the ceremonial .
Bro . Pickford S . W . was unanimously selected for the position of W . M .-elect , and his Installation will take place on the 4 th
proximo . Ar . the fe .-tive hoard , Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and he r ; il \ ^( Glided to That vl the W . M .-elect was proposed by Bru . Lcbk th , who said he ! t _< I original . y introduced Bro . Pickford into Masonry , having known lum intimately in various walks of life Bro . Picklord had obs-erved how much better he ( the speaker ) had
been sine he had joined the Craft , and having himself made up his mind fo {•. ( - •( Mine a Vnson , he had approached him falt ^ ringly with ti . itt u ! : jr . t : L 11 :. •.. i h had l . eeii gmtified , and he hnd become no worsts tor the ordeal . Bio . He-keth spoke commendingly of him , saying he was sure that at the end of his term of office the Brethren would be able to say " well done good and faithful servant . "
Bro . Pickford , in reply , said that ever since his Initiation ho had looked forward to becoming Master , but now he was within grasp of the position he looked forward with no little amount of fear and trembling . He hoped , however , with tact to perform the duties of the office in a satisfactory manner . He was following excellent Masters , and it would be his earnest desire even to excel their efforts , to which end he invoked the assistance of the various Officers .
Other toasts followed . Songs , recitations , etc ., were rendered by Bros . Beever , Pickford , Fryer , Hesketh , Rushton , Redfearn , Roberts , Trotter , and Jordrell , the whole conducing to a pleasant and harmonious evening . 0 o o
ELDON LODGE , No . 1755
A PLEASING incident occurred at the last regular meeting of this Lodge , held at Portishead . The Brethren being desirous to reccgnise the arduous work of their P . M . and Secretary Bro . W . T . Shapland , occasion was taken to present him with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel . The presentation was made on behalf of the Lodge by the \\ . M . Bro . W . H . Rice P . P . G . Deacon
Woodgrange Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2409.
Somerset , who assured the recipient that the jewel was accompanied by the hearty good wishes of the Brethren , who were ever mindful of the thorough way in which Bro . Shapland carried out every Masonic duty , and of the skill and ability shown , especially in the
chair of K . S . and Secretary . In pinning the jewel on the breast of their worthy Brother the W . M . trusted he might live long to 'wear it with pleasurable pride and honour . On the top bars of the jewel were the words " Eldon Lodge , No . 1755 , " in blue on gold , and on the reverse side this inscription : —
Presented to . Wor . Bro . W . T . Shapland P . M . Secretary , by the Eldon Lodge , as a mark of affection and esteem 8 th December 1894 .
Brother Shapland feelingly , suitably , and in terms of surprise thanked the W . M . for his kind words , and the Lodge for their beautiful gift . He gave his assurance that if he had not deserved it in the past it would be his constant endeavour to do so in the future . o o o
THE regular meeting was held at the Club House , Birch Lane , Longsight , Manchester , on Wednesday , 5 th inst ., Bro . Henry Grimshaw W . M . There was an attendance of over twenty members and also the following Visitors : — Bros . W . Barnes Russell P . M . P . P . G . D . D . C . 1219 , Thos . Shaw S . D . 1387 , J . H . Studd 163 , Thos . E . Rigby P . M . 1055 , Jas . Kennerley 1387 , Harold Nickson 2231 .
A very good programme of work confronted the Officers , in the shape of two Initiations , a Passing , and a Raising , but the Lodge had been summoned for an early hour , and consequently the ceremonies were concluded in reasonable time .
Messrs ., Cecil Robert Edge , Manager , Old Trafford , and Aaron Kuit , Cigar Importer , Salford , having been successfully balloted for were initiated , the former by Bro F . W . Lean P . M . P . P . S . G . D . D . C . and the latter by the W . M . Bro . Laurence Rostron Entwisle was , after the usual formula ,
passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M ., and this was followed by the raising of Bro . Charles Coatman , the ceremony in this instance being performed by Bro . Councillor Thos . Uttley I . P . M . P . G . D . C . Bro . Alderman Lloyd Higginbottom J . W . lent material assistance by presenting and explaining the Working Tools of the various degrees .
The festive board followed , when Loyal and Masonic toasts were submitted . Songs , recitations , & c . were given by various Brethren . o o o
ON Monday , the 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Manchester , an extraordinary meeting of the above was held , correspondingly with a meeting of the County Palatine Mark Lodge , No . 156 . The latter Lodge was under the Mastership of Bro . N . A . Earle , a candidate being advanced by Bro . A . Middleton Treasurer .
In connection with the Royal Atk Mariners Lodge ( Bro . J . T . Richardson W . C . N . ) , fourteen candidates presented themselves for elevation , and at a subsequent meeting of the Matier Council of the Allied Degrees , the same candidates were there advanced . The proceedings were graced by the presence of the Rt . Hon . Viscount Dungarvan D . G . M ., Chas . Fitzgerald Matier P . G . W . Grand Secretary , and four other distinguished Grand Officers . A banquet followed , to which members of the Mark , Ark , and Allied Degrees sat down .
Masonic Sonnets, No. 106.
Masonic Sonnets , No . 106 .
BY BRO . CHAS . F . FORSHAW , LL . D ., 295 and 2417 ( E . G . ) , Hon . Mem . 242 ( E . G . ) and 24 ( S . C . ) . — : o : — A CHRISTMAS GREETING .
WHOE'ER receives this Yule-tide Souvenir May joy be theirs on many a Christmas-day ; May Heavenly Blessings through the glad New Year Cheer all their life and brighten all their way . Full many a one in city ' s busy street ,
In hamlet quaint , in village gray and old , Will get the message that is ever sweet—The joyful message that the angels told . And from a heart that fain would be sincere , Accept the greeting , time-worn , yet still new ; A Merry Christmas and a Happy Year
And all the bliss true love can bring to you . Peace and Goodwill for aye , triumphant reign , With all the gifts that follow in their train 1
Winder House , Bradford , Xmas 1894 . During a recent visit paid by Bro . Capt . Fred Pratt ( the newly elected W . M . of the Manchester Centurion Lodge ) to the Strangeways Lodge , No . 1219 , he discovered with surprise that the Volume
of the Sacred Law belonging to that Lodge , and in use at its meetings , contained an inscription to the effect that it had been presented by his late father , Bro . W . H . Pratt , in 1869 , a period long anterior to Brother Captain Fred Pratt ' s connection with the Craft .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Woodgrange Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2409.
KINGSTON LODGE , No . 1010 . THE installation of Bro . Robert Carson , C . E ., as Worshipful Master , took place on the 5 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Kingston Square , Hull . Bro . H . Woodhouse , LL . D ., P . M . Provincial Grand Registrar performed the ceremony , which was attended by a large number of members of the Lodge and Visiting Brethren . The usual banquet followed .
Bro . Dr . Woodhouse , in proposing the toast of the evening , " The W . M . and Officers of the Kingston Lodge , " said with all sincerity he could say that Bro . Carson fully deserved the high and important position to which he had been called by the unanimous vote of his Brethren . His work as a Freemason had been the
admiration of the Past Musters , as well as the Brethren , and his popularity was amply evinced by the splendid attendance that night . Bro . Carson loved Masonry and had been unremitting in his devotion to the duties of his various Offices . The Kingston Lodge held a unique position in the town , and they fully expected its prestige to be maintained during the year in the highest possible
sense . Bro . Carson , in reply , said he felt deeply sensible of the high honour done him , and although he could not aspire to the brilliant achievements of so many of the illustrious Past Masters of the Lodge , yet they could rely upon his utmost endeavours whilst
occupying the chair . He was gratified that the choice of his Officers had met with general satisfaction , and he knew they would render him every possible assistance in carrying out the onerous duties of his post . The impresshe manner in which Bro . Woodhouse had performed the installatiou ceremony was beyond all praise , and he tendered to him his sincerest thanks .
Bro . Colonel Fawcett Pudsey proposed the retiring W . M . end Officers , to which Bro . Wright Mason , M . B ., responded . Bro . Major Wellsted , J . P ., having submitted the Masonic Charities , the Sister Lodges , Visiting Brethren , & c , were given , and the proceedings shortly afterwards terminated . o o o
THE annual installation took place at the Masonic Chambers , Hamilton Street , Birkenhead , on Friday , 14 th inst ., when Bro . F . S . Moore S . W . was installed by Bro . C . S . Dean P . M . P . G . J . D .
ROCK LODGE , No . 1289 ,
ARCHITECT LODGE , No . 1375 . THE regular meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Chorltoncum-Hardy , on Friday , the 7 th inst ., there being present : — Bros . Jas . Morrison jun . W . M ., C . H . Beever I . P . M ., Alf . Pickford S . W ., Chas . Rawle J . W ., W . D . Fryer P . M . Treasurer , Henry Nail P . M . Sec , T . A . Holland S . D ., W . T . Hesketh P . M . D . C ., J .
Coupland I . G ., Wm . Rushton Organist , Jno . M . Crone , Sam Tiller , R . Kastner , J . R . E . Birkett , A . Redfearn , Ed . M . Beebee Stewards , Edward Roberts P . M . ( FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE ) , Arthur A . Moss P . M ., Jno . G . Bromley P . M ., W . J . Bull , Hugh W . Bloomer , Baron E . de Minciaky . Visitors : —Bros . A . Millington W . M . 152 , Geo . W . Davies W . M . 1459 , Percy E . Land W . M . 1496 , J . Townley Trotter Sec . 1459 , Walter Taylor J . W . 1993 , B . Eckersley I . P . M . 1134 , John Jordrell P . M . 1052 .
The principal business of the evening was the raising to the sublime degree of Bro . W . J . Bull , and the . election of Officers . The ceremony was performed by the W . M ., he being assisted by Bro . Rawle J . W . Bro . Holland received many commendations for the manner in which he performed his duties as Senior Deacon , which added materially to the success of the ceremonial .
Bro . Pickford S . W . was unanimously selected for the position of W . M .-elect , and his Installation will take place on the 4 th
proximo . Ar . the fe .-tive hoard , Loyal and Masonic toasts were given and he r ; il \ ^( Glided to That vl the W . M .-elect was proposed by Bru . Lcbk th , who said he ! t _< I original . y introduced Bro . Pickford into Masonry , having known lum intimately in various walks of life Bro . Picklord had obs-erved how much better he ( the speaker ) had
been sine he had joined the Craft , and having himself made up his mind fo {•. ( - •( Mine a Vnson , he had approached him falt ^ ringly with ti . itt u ! : jr . t : L 11 :. •.. i h had l . eeii gmtified , and he hnd become no worsts tor the ordeal . Bio . He-keth spoke commendingly of him , saying he was sure that at the end of his term of office the Brethren would be able to say " well done good and faithful servant . "
Bro . Pickford , in reply , said that ever since his Initiation ho had looked forward to becoming Master , but now he was within grasp of the position he looked forward with no little amount of fear and trembling . He hoped , however , with tact to perform the duties of the office in a satisfactory manner . He was following excellent Masters , and it would be his earnest desire even to excel their efforts , to which end he invoked the assistance of the various Officers .
Other toasts followed . Songs , recitations , etc ., were rendered by Bros . Beever , Pickford , Fryer , Hesketh , Rushton , Redfearn , Roberts , Trotter , and Jordrell , the whole conducing to a pleasant and harmonious evening . 0 o o
ELDON LODGE , No . 1755
A PLEASING incident occurred at the last regular meeting of this Lodge , held at Portishead . The Brethren being desirous to reccgnise the arduous work of their P . M . and Secretary Bro . W . T . Shapland , occasion was taken to present him with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel . The presentation was made on behalf of the Lodge by the \\ . M . Bro . W . H . Rice P . P . G . Deacon
Woodgrange Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2409.
Somerset , who assured the recipient that the jewel was accompanied by the hearty good wishes of the Brethren , who were ever mindful of the thorough way in which Bro . Shapland carried out every Masonic duty , and of the skill and ability shown , especially in the
chair of K . S . and Secretary . In pinning the jewel on the breast of their worthy Brother the W . M . trusted he might live long to 'wear it with pleasurable pride and honour . On the top bars of the jewel were the words " Eldon Lodge , No . 1755 , " in blue on gold , and on the reverse side this inscription : —
Presented to . Wor . Bro . W . T . Shapland P . M . Secretary , by the Eldon Lodge , as a mark of affection and esteem 8 th December 1894 .
Brother Shapland feelingly , suitably , and in terms of surprise thanked the W . M . for his kind words , and the Lodge for their beautiful gift . He gave his assurance that if he had not deserved it in the past it would be his constant endeavour to do so in the future . o o o
THE regular meeting was held at the Club House , Birch Lane , Longsight , Manchester , on Wednesday , 5 th inst ., Bro . Henry Grimshaw W . M . There was an attendance of over twenty members and also the following Visitors : — Bros . W . Barnes Russell P . M . P . P . G . D . D . C . 1219 , Thos . Shaw S . D . 1387 , J . H . Studd 163 , Thos . E . Rigby P . M . 1055 , Jas . Kennerley 1387 , Harold Nickson 2231 .
A very good programme of work confronted the Officers , in the shape of two Initiations , a Passing , and a Raising , but the Lodge had been summoned for an early hour , and consequently the ceremonies were concluded in reasonable time .
Messrs ., Cecil Robert Edge , Manager , Old Trafford , and Aaron Kuit , Cigar Importer , Salford , having been successfully balloted for were initiated , the former by Bro F . W . Lean P . M . P . P . S . G . D . D . C . and the latter by the W . M . Bro . Laurence Rostron Entwisle was , after the usual formula ,
passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M ., and this was followed by the raising of Bro . Charles Coatman , the ceremony in this instance being performed by Bro . Councillor Thos . Uttley I . P . M . P . G . D . C . Bro . Alderman Lloyd Higginbottom J . W . lent material assistance by presenting and explaining the Working Tools of the various degrees .
The festive board followed , when Loyal and Masonic toasts were submitted . Songs , recitations , & c . were given by various Brethren . o o o
ON Monday , the 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Manchester , an extraordinary meeting of the above was held , correspondingly with a meeting of the County Palatine Mark Lodge , No . 156 . The latter Lodge was under the Mastership of Bro . N . A . Earle , a candidate being advanced by Bro . A . Middleton Treasurer .
In connection with the Royal Atk Mariners Lodge ( Bro . J . T . Richardson W . C . N . ) , fourteen candidates presented themselves for elevation , and at a subsequent meeting of the Matier Council of the Allied Degrees , the same candidates were there advanced . The proceedings were graced by the presence of the Rt . Hon . Viscount Dungarvan D . G . M ., Chas . Fitzgerald Matier P . G . W . Grand Secretary , and four other distinguished Grand Officers . A banquet followed , to which members of the Mark , Ark , and Allied Degrees sat down .
Masonic Sonnets, No. 106.
Masonic Sonnets , No . 106 .
BY BRO . CHAS . F . FORSHAW , LL . D ., 295 and 2417 ( E . G . ) , Hon . Mem . 242 ( E . G . ) and 24 ( S . C . ) . — : o : — A CHRISTMAS GREETING .
WHOE'ER receives this Yule-tide Souvenir May joy be theirs on many a Christmas-day ; May Heavenly Blessings through the glad New Year Cheer all their life and brighten all their way . Full many a one in city ' s busy street ,
In hamlet quaint , in village gray and old , Will get the message that is ever sweet—The joyful message that the angels told . And from a heart that fain would be sincere , Accept the greeting , time-worn , yet still new ; A Merry Christmas and a Happy Year
And all the bliss true love can bring to you . Peace and Goodwill for aye , triumphant reign , With all the gifts that follow in their train 1
Winder House , Bradford , Xmas 1894 . During a recent visit paid by Bro . Capt . Fred Pratt ( the newly elected W . M . of the Manchester Centurion Lodge ) to the Strangeways Lodge , No . 1219 , he discovered with surprise that the Volume
of the Sacred Law belonging to that Lodge , and in use at its meetings , contained an inscription to the effect that it had been presented by his late father , Bro . W . H . Pratt , in 1869 , a period long anterior to Brother Captain Fred Pratt ' s connection with the Craft .