Article WOODGRANGE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No. 2409. ← Page 3 of 4 Article WOODGRANGE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No. 2409. Page 3 of 4 →
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Woodgrange Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2409.
THE annual supper of this rapidly-growing Lodge was held on Friday lost week , at the " Princess Alice , " Romford Road , Forest Gate , Bro . Brown P . M . presiding . After an agreeable repast , provided by the host , Brother H . Homewood , says the " East London Observer , " the usual Loyal toasts were proposed and received with the enthusiasm peculiar to Masons .
Among the toasts that followed was that of the Preceptor of the Lodge Bro . Calver . He was highly complimented on the very able and earnest manner in which he carried out his arduous duties . Bro . Calver replied in his wonted eloquent manner , thanking
the W . M . and Brethren , and enlarging upon the value of a Lodge of Instruction and its high importance to Freemasons . He congratulated the Lodge on its growth in the short time it had been established , and promised he would always devote his efforts to aid its progress and usefulness .
Bro . Riche Secretary , in his remarks , alluding to the prosperity of the Lodge , said it had already , although less than three years had elapsed since its establishment , become Life-governor ot ^ me of the great Masonic Institutions . During the intervals between the speeches various Brethren contributed to the harmony , among whom were Bros . Vicars ( who certainly came in for the lion ' s share ) , Lowe , Riche , Lloyd , C ' oningham , Calver P . M . ( with a telling recitation ) , and Pidduck . O 0 o
PROVINCIAL . — : o : — ST . JOHN LODGE , No . 80 . AT the Annual meeting held at the Masonic Hall , Park Terrace , Sunderland , on Tuesday , 11 th inst ., Brother John Edward
Westgarth Walker was installed in the chair as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , the installation ceremony being performed by Bro . Dr . Biggam , M . A . The installation banquet was afterwards held at the Palatine Hotel .
o o o LOYAL CAMBRIAN LODGE , No . 110 . THE last meeting of the year was held at Merthyr , on Thursday , 6 th inst . Bro . D . A . Thomas , M . P ., was elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . His installation will take place at the next meeting . o o o
FORTITUDE LODGE , No . 131 . THE members of this Truro Lodge have elected Bro . E . Benney S . W . W . M . for the ensuing year , and re-elected Bro . J . Tonkin P . P . A . G . Sec . Treasurer . o o o
BRUNSWICK LODGE , No . 159 . THE installation meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Stonehouse , when Bro . W . Smeeth S . W . was regularly placed in the chair of the Lodge , the ceremony of the day being rendered by Bro . W . S . Luscombe , the retiring W . M . o o o
CHARITY LODGE , No . 223 . THE annual meeting was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Plymouth , when Brother Parnell Hannaford was installed as W . M . The ceremony was creditably rendered by the retiring W . M . supported by other Past Masters . Bro . R . Blight was re-appointed Charity Steward , and Brother Browning representative on the Committee of Petitions . The banquet was fixed for the 9 th prox .
The Lodge unanimously voted £ 5 5 s for temporary assistance to a very distressing case introduced by the Secretary . o o o
YORK LODGE , No . 236 . ON the 17 th inst ., a meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Duncombe Place , York , the Worshipful Master Bro . A . Jones presiding , supported by a numerous gathering of Brethren , including several Past Masters .
In the course of the business Brother Edwin Carter S . W . was unanimously elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , and Bro . Jos . Todd P . M . Prov . G . Treas . was re-elected Treasurer . The Tyler Bro . John Hall was re-appointed .
The installation ceremony will take place on the 21 st of next month . o o o
MOIRA LODGE , No . 324 . ON Thursday , 13 th inst ., the members celebrated their annual festival with marked success . Bro . David Sykes Higson was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , in a very impressive manner , by Bro . Bottomley P . M ., who was assisted by Bros . J . Marsden and D . Holt P . Ms . There was
a very good attendance of Masters and other representatives from neighbouring Lodges , and the Lodge was also honoured with the presence of Bro . Newhouse Prov . Sec , who referred to the noble work being done by the Masonic Charities in Cheshire , and exhorted all the Brethren in Stalybridge to do their best to support
Woodgrange Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2409.
Lord Egerton , the Prov . G . M ., when he presided at the annual meeting of the Boys Institution in June . Over forty sat clown to the banquet , which was served up in
first-class style by Bro . Barrow , and which was followed by the usual toasts and some fine musical contributions in the way of solo , glee singing , & c .
0 o o ONE AND ALL LODGE , No . 330 . THE election meeting at this Lodge has resulted in the return of Bro . W . A . Sandoe as W . M .-elect . Bro . R . L . Randall has been re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . J . Lancaster Tyler .
UNANIMITY LODGE , No . 339 . ON Monday , the 10 th inst ., Brother John Thompson jun . was installed Worshipful Master . Bro . Thompson was for many years in the Whitehaven Post Office , says the local " Advertiser , " and on his removal to Penrith
he continued to take great interest in the Lodge of Freemasons there . He was so much appreciated that it was decided , although he had been removed from the district , to honour him with the appointment of W . M .
The Lodge was opened in due form , and after the ceremony of Initiating a candidate , Bro . Thompson was duly installed into the chair by Bro . J . Pearson P . M . The Lodge was closed in due form , after which the installation banquet was provided at the Crown Hotel , Penrith .
o o O PERFECT FRIENDSHIP LODGE , No . 376 . THE anniversary meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Wednesday , 19 th , when Bro . Alfred Spalding was installed
W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation ceremony was ably and impressively performed by the outgoing Master , Bro . Geo . Turner , assisted by P . M . J . M . Franks . The Officers of the year were invested .
A communication was read from Bro . Kavasna Badshab , stating that as he had left England to resume his duties as Postmaster General of the North West Province of India he would be obliged to sever his connection with the Lodge for the time being .
The installation banquet was subsequently held under the presidency of the W . M ., says the " East Anglian Daily Times . " After the loyal toasts , the W . M . proposed the Grand Officers , coupled with the names of Bro . Rev . R . N . Sanderson and Bro . T . J . Railing .
Bro . Sanderson , in response , stated that just thirty-four years ago he was installed W . M . of the Perfect Friendship Lodge , and on that occasion the father of the present W . M . accepted at his hands the collar of Senior Warden . Bro . T . J . Railing also responded .
The W . M . next proposed the Prov . Grand Master Lord Henniker , the D . P . G . M . Rev . C . J . Martyn , and the Prov . Grand Officers Present and Past , coupled with the names of Bro . S . R . Anness P . S . G . W . and Bro . R . K . Casley P . P . G . Treas ., who respectively responded .
Bro . G . Turner I . P . M . proposed the W . M . of the Perfect Friendship Lodge . The chair of the Lodge had never been filled by a more worthy Brother than Bro . Spalding , who had climbed the ladder step by step , and in each and every Office he had shown an
earnest endeavour to carry out the work thoroughly well , and , moreover , he had succeeded in his endeavour . He was a very highly esteemed and justly popular Brother , and Bro . Turner predicted for him a very prosperous year of office .
o o o PRUDENCE LODGE , No . 388 . AT the meeting on Monday , 10 th inst ., the Lodge was honoured by the addition to its membership of the Right Hon . the Earl of Stradbroke . The ceremony took place in the Masonic
Hall , Halesworth , Brethren from long distances and neighbouring Lodges being present . The initiation was conducted by Bro . Geo . Andrews W . M . with Bros . T . Stevenson S . W ., D . W . Skuffham J . W . and H . A . Mullens I . G ., the musical portion of the ceremony being ably taken by Bro . W . W . Walesby .
Forty of the Brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet at the Angel Hotel . o o o CORNUBIAN LODGE , No . 450 .
ON Thursday , 13 th inst ., there was a large gathering at Hayle , when Bro . Tredinnick was installed W . M . in an impressive manner by Bro . J . W . Wilkinson . An excellent banquet was served by Bro . H . Champion , White Hart Hotel . o o o
ST . PETER'S LODGE , No . 476 . THE installation of Bro . W . S . Phillips took place at the Masonic Hall , Carmarthen , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst . The ceremony of installation was impressively conducted by Bro . J . Marsden , and there was a large attendance of members of the Lodge and of distinguished Visitors .
In the evening the installation banquet was held at the Ivy Bush Hotel , when a sumptuous dinner was provided by Bro . D . E . Williams . The usual Masonic toasts were honoured , and an excellent programme of music was performed .
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Woodgrange Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2409.
THE annual supper of this rapidly-growing Lodge was held on Friday lost week , at the " Princess Alice , " Romford Road , Forest Gate , Bro . Brown P . M . presiding . After an agreeable repast , provided by the host , Brother H . Homewood , says the " East London Observer , " the usual Loyal toasts were proposed and received with the enthusiasm peculiar to Masons .
Among the toasts that followed was that of the Preceptor of the Lodge Bro . Calver . He was highly complimented on the very able and earnest manner in which he carried out his arduous duties . Bro . Calver replied in his wonted eloquent manner , thanking
the W . M . and Brethren , and enlarging upon the value of a Lodge of Instruction and its high importance to Freemasons . He congratulated the Lodge on its growth in the short time it had been established , and promised he would always devote his efforts to aid its progress and usefulness .
Bro . Riche Secretary , in his remarks , alluding to the prosperity of the Lodge , said it had already , although less than three years had elapsed since its establishment , become Life-governor ot ^ me of the great Masonic Institutions . During the intervals between the speeches various Brethren contributed to the harmony , among whom were Bros . Vicars ( who certainly came in for the lion ' s share ) , Lowe , Riche , Lloyd , C ' oningham , Calver P . M . ( with a telling recitation ) , and Pidduck . O 0 o
PROVINCIAL . — : o : — ST . JOHN LODGE , No . 80 . AT the Annual meeting held at the Masonic Hall , Park Terrace , Sunderland , on Tuesday , 11 th inst ., Brother John Edward
Westgarth Walker was installed in the chair as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , the installation ceremony being performed by Bro . Dr . Biggam , M . A . The installation banquet was afterwards held at the Palatine Hotel .
o o o LOYAL CAMBRIAN LODGE , No . 110 . THE last meeting of the year was held at Merthyr , on Thursday , 6 th inst . Bro . D . A . Thomas , M . P ., was elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . His installation will take place at the next meeting . o o o
FORTITUDE LODGE , No . 131 . THE members of this Truro Lodge have elected Bro . E . Benney S . W . W . M . for the ensuing year , and re-elected Bro . J . Tonkin P . P . A . G . Sec . Treasurer . o o o
BRUNSWICK LODGE , No . 159 . THE installation meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Stonehouse , when Bro . W . Smeeth S . W . was regularly placed in the chair of the Lodge , the ceremony of the day being rendered by Bro . W . S . Luscombe , the retiring W . M . o o o
CHARITY LODGE , No . 223 . THE annual meeting was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Plymouth , when Brother Parnell Hannaford was installed as W . M . The ceremony was creditably rendered by the retiring W . M . supported by other Past Masters . Bro . R . Blight was re-appointed Charity Steward , and Brother Browning representative on the Committee of Petitions . The banquet was fixed for the 9 th prox .
The Lodge unanimously voted £ 5 5 s for temporary assistance to a very distressing case introduced by the Secretary . o o o
YORK LODGE , No . 236 . ON the 17 th inst ., a meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Duncombe Place , York , the Worshipful Master Bro . A . Jones presiding , supported by a numerous gathering of Brethren , including several Past Masters .
In the course of the business Brother Edwin Carter S . W . was unanimously elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , and Bro . Jos . Todd P . M . Prov . G . Treas . was re-elected Treasurer . The Tyler Bro . John Hall was re-appointed .
The installation ceremony will take place on the 21 st of next month . o o o
MOIRA LODGE , No . 324 . ON Thursday , 13 th inst ., the members celebrated their annual festival with marked success . Bro . David Sykes Higson was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , in a very impressive manner , by Bro . Bottomley P . M ., who was assisted by Bros . J . Marsden and D . Holt P . Ms . There was
a very good attendance of Masters and other representatives from neighbouring Lodges , and the Lodge was also honoured with the presence of Bro . Newhouse Prov . Sec , who referred to the noble work being done by the Masonic Charities in Cheshire , and exhorted all the Brethren in Stalybridge to do their best to support
Woodgrange Lodge Of Instruction, No. 2409.
Lord Egerton , the Prov . G . M ., when he presided at the annual meeting of the Boys Institution in June . Over forty sat clown to the banquet , which was served up in
first-class style by Bro . Barrow , and which was followed by the usual toasts and some fine musical contributions in the way of solo , glee singing , & c .
0 o o ONE AND ALL LODGE , No . 330 . THE election meeting at this Lodge has resulted in the return of Bro . W . A . Sandoe as W . M .-elect . Bro . R . L . Randall has been re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . J . Lancaster Tyler .
UNANIMITY LODGE , No . 339 . ON Monday , the 10 th inst ., Brother John Thompson jun . was installed Worshipful Master . Bro . Thompson was for many years in the Whitehaven Post Office , says the local " Advertiser , " and on his removal to Penrith
he continued to take great interest in the Lodge of Freemasons there . He was so much appreciated that it was decided , although he had been removed from the district , to honour him with the appointment of W . M .
The Lodge was opened in due form , and after the ceremony of Initiating a candidate , Bro . Thompson was duly installed into the chair by Bro . J . Pearson P . M . The Lodge was closed in due form , after which the installation banquet was provided at the Crown Hotel , Penrith .
o o O PERFECT FRIENDSHIP LODGE , No . 376 . THE anniversary meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Wednesday , 19 th , when Bro . Alfred Spalding was installed
W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation ceremony was ably and impressively performed by the outgoing Master , Bro . Geo . Turner , assisted by P . M . J . M . Franks . The Officers of the year were invested .
A communication was read from Bro . Kavasna Badshab , stating that as he had left England to resume his duties as Postmaster General of the North West Province of India he would be obliged to sever his connection with the Lodge for the time being .
The installation banquet was subsequently held under the presidency of the W . M ., says the " East Anglian Daily Times . " After the loyal toasts , the W . M . proposed the Grand Officers , coupled with the names of Bro . Rev . R . N . Sanderson and Bro . T . J . Railing .
Bro . Sanderson , in response , stated that just thirty-four years ago he was installed W . M . of the Perfect Friendship Lodge , and on that occasion the father of the present W . M . accepted at his hands the collar of Senior Warden . Bro . T . J . Railing also responded .
The W . M . next proposed the Prov . Grand Master Lord Henniker , the D . P . G . M . Rev . C . J . Martyn , and the Prov . Grand Officers Present and Past , coupled with the names of Bro . S . R . Anness P . S . G . W . and Bro . R . K . Casley P . P . G . Treas ., who respectively responded .
Bro . G . Turner I . P . M . proposed the W . M . of the Perfect Friendship Lodge . The chair of the Lodge had never been filled by a more worthy Brother than Bro . Spalding , who had climbed the ladder step by step , and in each and every Office he had shown an
earnest endeavour to carry out the work thoroughly well , and , moreover , he had succeeded in his endeavour . He was a very highly esteemed and justly popular Brother , and Bro . Turner predicted for him a very prosperous year of office .
o o o PRUDENCE LODGE , No . 388 . AT the meeting on Monday , 10 th inst ., the Lodge was honoured by the addition to its membership of the Right Hon . the Earl of Stradbroke . The ceremony took place in the Masonic
Hall , Halesworth , Brethren from long distances and neighbouring Lodges being present . The initiation was conducted by Bro . Geo . Andrews W . M . with Bros . T . Stevenson S . W ., D . W . Skuffham J . W . and H . A . Mullens I . G ., the musical portion of the ceremony being ably taken by Bro . W . W . Walesby .
Forty of the Brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet at the Angel Hotel . o o o CORNUBIAN LODGE , No . 450 .
ON Thursday , 13 th inst ., there was a large gathering at Hayle , when Bro . Tredinnick was installed W . M . in an impressive manner by Bro . J . W . Wilkinson . An excellent banquet was served by Bro . H . Champion , White Hart Hotel . o o o
ST . PETER'S LODGE , No . 476 . THE installation of Bro . W . S . Phillips took place at the Masonic Hall , Carmarthen , on Tuesday , the 18 th inst . The ceremony of installation was impressively conducted by Bro . J . Marsden , and there was a large attendance of members of the Lodge and of distinguished Visitors .
In the evening the installation banquet was held at the Ivy Bush Hotel , when a sumptuous dinner was provided by Bro . D . E . Williams . The usual Masonic toasts were honoured , and an excellent programme of music was performed .