Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article CRAFT: METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 4 →
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Reports Of Meetings.
* We shall be pleased to receive particulars of Masonic meetings for insertion in our columns , and where desired will endeavour to send a representative to report Lodge or other proceedings .
ST . JOHN CHAPTER , No . 80 . rpHE regular convocation was held on Tuesday , 18 th inst ., at the X Masonic Hall , Park Terrace , Sunderland , for the installation of Principals for the ensuing year . Comps . Richard Todd , Rev . J . J . Brown , and Thos . Gibbons occupied the chairs of the three Principals .
Comp . Rev . J . J . Brown was installed as First Principal by R . Hudson P . Z . P . G . S . E ., Comp . Thos . Gibbons was installed as Second Principal , and M . J . Todd as Third . - o o o
FIDELITY CHAPTER , No . 477 . THE annual installation meeting was held in the Masonic Chambers , Hamilton Square , Birkenhead , on Monday , 10 th inst ., when then was a numerous gathering of members and
Visitors . The Installing Officer upon this , as upon several previous occasions , was Comp . John Morris P . Z . P . Prov . G . Soj ., who discharged the onerous duties with marked ability .
The following were installed , Comps . R . G . Hawkins Z ., James S Warren H ., Richard Parry J . After the conclusion of the business , the members adjourned to the supper room , where refreshments were partaken of under the presidency of the newly installed Principals .
A selection of music was given in conjunction with the usual Loyal and Arch toasts , the Companions contributing to the harmony of the evening being George Proudman , A . J . Thompson , Captain J . W . Shaw , R . Parry , and R . Robinson , while Companion J . Hamilton Jackson ably presided at the pianoforte .
o o o CHAPTER OF RECTITUDE , No . 581 . A REGULAR meeting was held at the Clarence Hotel , Manchester , on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., the following being present : —Comps . Wm . Kay P . Z ., Jas . Hayes J ., Robt . RudmanE ., W . J . Melling P . P . A . D . C , Julius Arensberg P . Z ., Ben Walker , R .
Adshead , J . C . Brown , Wm . Hyde , Wm . Rostron , John E . Chapman , S . Kindler , Harry G . Walker , Henry B . Brown W . M . 581 , Jno . C . Wilson , Nelson J . Stokes , Edward Roberts P . M . ( FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE ) . Visitors : —J . H . Sillitoe P . G . D . D . C . Prov . Grand H ., Jas . W . White 815 .
The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for Brothers Charles William Dove , Ardwick Lodge , No . 2185 , and Richard Morley , Arthur Sullivan Lodge , No . 2156 , and this being successful , they were duly exalted by Companion Kay P . Z .
Following this was the Installing of Companions J . T . Richardson P . Z . P . P . G . A . S ., and Jas . Hayes P . M . as First and Second Principals respectively , and the Investiture of Officers , these functions being committed to the care of Companion J . H . Sillitoe , who performed them in a most admirable manner .
The usual festive board succeeded , when Loyal and Royal Arch toasts were honoured . Comp . Kay , in proposing the health of the newly-exalted Companions , said that it was no new thing in the Rectitude Chapter to submit this toast , as they were continually admitting new members . During the year they had exalted fifteen
Brethren , and there were also three joining Companions , making a total of eighteen . Numerically they were stronger than they had ever been , and in admitting the two Companions amongst them that day they had no reason to fear that they would not maintain the prestige of the Chapter .
Companions Dove and Morley responded , thanking the Companions for their acceptance of them , and paying a well-deserved tribute to Companion Kay , who had performed the ceremony of Exaltation . Other toasts followed , the same being pleasantly relieved by songs , recitations , & c , given by Companions Rudman , Morley , H . G . Walker , Dove , Stokes , Roberts , Adshead , and Lilley . o o o
ALDERSHOT CAMP CHAPTER , No . 1331 . THE usual monthly Convocation was held on Monday , 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Imperial Hotel , Aldershot , the Principals present being Comps . Colonel J . A . Boyd Z ., E . R . Downs H ., and W . Cockburn P . Z . P . G . Swd . B . J .
There was a good attendance of Companions , the business of the evening being the Exaltation of Bro . G . Scrase of Aldershot Camp Lodge , which ceremony was performed by the First Principal in a most impressive manner . After hearty good wishes from the visiting Companions , the Chapter was closed until 14 th January . o o o
LANDPORT CHAPTER , No . 1776 . AT the Quarterly Convocation , held at the Masonic Hall , Landport , on the 12 th , Comp . Inkpen was installed M . E . Z ., the TJ rm i ny beU 3 g lm P ressivelv performed by Companion Lancaster
Craft: Metropolitan.
ROYAL ATHELSTAN LODGE , No . 19 . THE election meeting of this famous old Lodge was held on the 13 th , at the Cannon Street Hotel , under the presidency of Brother John H . Whadcoat the Worshipful Master , who was supported by Bros . Arthur Digby Green Immediate Past Master , W . M . Bywater P . G . Sw . B . D . C ., James Dix , Daniel Nicholson , G . Sneath , G . H , Hoyle , and Arthur Wormull Past Masters of the
Lodge ; Milton Smith S . W ., E . G . Young J . W ., Henry Glenn P . M . Treas ., C . B . Barnes P . M . Sec ., W . F . Stauffer S . D ., W . Stacey I . G ., J . P . Hinckel , Martin Pulvermann , M . Marsland , G . Stevens , M . Miroy and A . C . Burnley , together with the following Visitors F . W . Dunn 137 , Harold Woodcock W . M . 2470 , G . W . Capel 493 ,
H . Robbins P . M . 1703 , G . B . Chapman P . P . G . S . of W . Kent , G . B . Davies P . M . 13 , George Owen P . P . S . G . W . North Wales and Shropshire , A . Aslett 1124 , T . Halsted 90 , M . R . Webb P . M . 1657 , J . Finch P . M . 1196 , J . Philip Upton S . W . 1328 , W . W . Morgan 177 , and J . Tickle P . P . G . Reg . Middlesex .
The business of the meeting included the passing of Bro . Dunn , on behalf of his Lodge , the Amity , of Poole ; the usual elections and the appointment of Auditors . Bro . Milton Smith was chosen as Master for next year , Bro . Glenn was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro , J . Gilbert Tyler .
Considerable enthusiasm was shown among the members as to the result of Bro . Whadcoat ' s presidency during the past year , and Past Master Bywater , the father of the Lodge , expressed the gratification they all felt that so much good had been done , concluding his remarks by moving the following resolution :
" That the members of the Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 desire to record their hearty thanks to Bro . John H . Whadcoaii for the very able and courteous manner in which he has presided over the meetings of the Lodge during his year of office as Worshipful Master , as well as for his zeal and great liberality
in behalf of the Benevolent Fund , whereby its sphere of usefulness has been so largely extended . " That the above resolution be engrossed on vellum and presented to Bro . Whadcoat with a Past Master's jewel . 18 th December 1894 . "
This was unanimously agreed to , and the Lodge being closed the company adjourned to the banquet room , which was most tastefully decorated , a novel feature being the introduction of electric light ornaments on the table , producing a very pleasing effect , and calling forth later in the evening a special vote of thanks from the Lodge to Messrs Ritter and Puzey , the Proprietors of the Hotel , and to their Manager , Bro . J . W . Aptommas .
At the conclusion of the dinner the Master submitted the usual loyal toasts , feeling assured he was justified in saying the Royal Athelstan Lodge echoed the sentiments of the whole Masonic world in expressing pleasure at the re-election of the Prince of Wales as Grand Master of England .
The name of Bro . Bywater , the father of the Lodge and G . Sword Bearer of England of the Jubilee year was coupled with the toast of the Grand Officers . Bro . Bywater , in reply , desired to tender his very sincere thanks for the kind way in which the Brethren had drunk to the health of the Grand Officers . Referring to a song rendered in excellent form
by Mdlle . Cheron , Bro . Bywater said that after such notes as they had just heard he hardly knew how to pitch his voice so as to address them , and tender thanks for the hard working noblemen at the head of their Order . When he was initiated there were some 500 Lodges on the English Register , now the number had risen to 2 , 500 , and much of this growth was due to the care and ability
displayed by the Grand Officers . When he had the honour of carrying the sword in front of the Prince of Wales on that memorable day of the Jubilee he looked upon a sight that he was sure would never be forgotten by those who participated in it ; he could equally say that the reception at all times accorded the toast of the Grand Officers was equally never to be forgotten .
The Immediate Past Master proposed the health of the Master . Once more it was his privilege to ask the members to honour the toast of their most estimable Worshipful Master Bro . Whadcoat . Hitherto it had been an unmixed pleasure for him to submit it , but now the duty was mixed with regret , because he was reminded that would be the last occasion on which he would be called upon
to propose the toast . Their Brother Whadcoat had carried out the duties of his Mastership most efficiently and carefully , and , indeed , has so conducted his duties as to reflect credit both on himself and his Lodge , and his working had called forth the highest encomiums from members and visitors alike . It was difficult to say much that had not already been said in praise of their Master , for their
Brother Bywater had crowned the efforts of the year by making a most telling speech in introducing the proposition that had been agreed to in the Lodge . He had often heard it remarked that a Master was voted a jewel of the " usual value , " but he was glad that formula had not been observed in their case that day—it would by no means have represented their feelings . He was pleased to find
that a loop-hole had been found and that , at the suggestion of their esteemed Bro . Bywater , they had arranged to present the Master with an illuminated address . Without exception the Master of the past year was the best the Lodge had had for many years , in fact he was one of the most distinguished of those who had filled the chair of their Lodge . It was twenty-five years since such a
compliment as an address had been voted to one of their Masters , indeed the present Master was but the second who had received that special mark of appreciation . The members desired to specially thank their ruler for his great generosity , and for the splendid entertainment he had provided , and assured him he would carry from the chair the reputation of having excelled in his position as ruler .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
* We shall be pleased to receive particulars of Masonic meetings for insertion in our columns , and where desired will endeavour to send a representative to report Lodge or other proceedings .
ST . JOHN CHAPTER , No . 80 . rpHE regular convocation was held on Tuesday , 18 th inst ., at the X Masonic Hall , Park Terrace , Sunderland , for the installation of Principals for the ensuing year . Comps . Richard Todd , Rev . J . J . Brown , and Thos . Gibbons occupied the chairs of the three Principals .
Comp . Rev . J . J . Brown was installed as First Principal by R . Hudson P . Z . P . G . S . E ., Comp . Thos . Gibbons was installed as Second Principal , and M . J . Todd as Third . - o o o
FIDELITY CHAPTER , No . 477 . THE annual installation meeting was held in the Masonic Chambers , Hamilton Square , Birkenhead , on Monday , 10 th inst ., when then was a numerous gathering of members and
Visitors . The Installing Officer upon this , as upon several previous occasions , was Comp . John Morris P . Z . P . Prov . G . Soj ., who discharged the onerous duties with marked ability .
The following were installed , Comps . R . G . Hawkins Z ., James S Warren H ., Richard Parry J . After the conclusion of the business , the members adjourned to the supper room , where refreshments were partaken of under the presidency of the newly installed Principals .
A selection of music was given in conjunction with the usual Loyal and Arch toasts , the Companions contributing to the harmony of the evening being George Proudman , A . J . Thompson , Captain J . W . Shaw , R . Parry , and R . Robinson , while Companion J . Hamilton Jackson ably presided at the pianoforte .
o o o CHAPTER OF RECTITUDE , No . 581 . A REGULAR meeting was held at the Clarence Hotel , Manchester , on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., the following being present : —Comps . Wm . Kay P . Z ., Jas . Hayes J ., Robt . RudmanE ., W . J . Melling P . P . A . D . C , Julius Arensberg P . Z ., Ben Walker , R .
Adshead , J . C . Brown , Wm . Hyde , Wm . Rostron , John E . Chapman , S . Kindler , Harry G . Walker , Henry B . Brown W . M . 581 , Jno . C . Wilson , Nelson J . Stokes , Edward Roberts P . M . ( FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE ) . Visitors : —J . H . Sillitoe P . G . D . D . C . Prov . Grand H ., Jas . W . White 815 .
The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for Brothers Charles William Dove , Ardwick Lodge , No . 2185 , and Richard Morley , Arthur Sullivan Lodge , No . 2156 , and this being successful , they were duly exalted by Companion Kay P . Z .
Following this was the Installing of Companions J . T . Richardson P . Z . P . P . G . A . S ., and Jas . Hayes P . M . as First and Second Principals respectively , and the Investiture of Officers , these functions being committed to the care of Companion J . H . Sillitoe , who performed them in a most admirable manner .
The usual festive board succeeded , when Loyal and Royal Arch toasts were honoured . Comp . Kay , in proposing the health of the newly-exalted Companions , said that it was no new thing in the Rectitude Chapter to submit this toast , as they were continually admitting new members . During the year they had exalted fifteen
Brethren , and there were also three joining Companions , making a total of eighteen . Numerically they were stronger than they had ever been , and in admitting the two Companions amongst them that day they had no reason to fear that they would not maintain the prestige of the Chapter .
Companions Dove and Morley responded , thanking the Companions for their acceptance of them , and paying a well-deserved tribute to Companion Kay , who had performed the ceremony of Exaltation . Other toasts followed , the same being pleasantly relieved by songs , recitations , & c , given by Companions Rudman , Morley , H . G . Walker , Dove , Stokes , Roberts , Adshead , and Lilley . o o o
ALDERSHOT CAMP CHAPTER , No . 1331 . THE usual monthly Convocation was held on Monday , 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Imperial Hotel , Aldershot , the Principals present being Comps . Colonel J . A . Boyd Z ., E . R . Downs H ., and W . Cockburn P . Z . P . G . Swd . B . J .
There was a good attendance of Companions , the business of the evening being the Exaltation of Bro . G . Scrase of Aldershot Camp Lodge , which ceremony was performed by the First Principal in a most impressive manner . After hearty good wishes from the visiting Companions , the Chapter was closed until 14 th January . o o o
LANDPORT CHAPTER , No . 1776 . AT the Quarterly Convocation , held at the Masonic Hall , Landport , on the 12 th , Comp . Inkpen was installed M . E . Z ., the TJ rm i ny beU 3 g lm P ressivelv performed by Companion Lancaster
Craft: Metropolitan.
ROYAL ATHELSTAN LODGE , No . 19 . THE election meeting of this famous old Lodge was held on the 13 th , at the Cannon Street Hotel , under the presidency of Brother John H . Whadcoat the Worshipful Master , who was supported by Bros . Arthur Digby Green Immediate Past Master , W . M . Bywater P . G . Sw . B . D . C ., James Dix , Daniel Nicholson , G . Sneath , G . H , Hoyle , and Arthur Wormull Past Masters of the
Lodge ; Milton Smith S . W ., E . G . Young J . W ., Henry Glenn P . M . Treas ., C . B . Barnes P . M . Sec ., W . F . Stauffer S . D ., W . Stacey I . G ., J . P . Hinckel , Martin Pulvermann , M . Marsland , G . Stevens , M . Miroy and A . C . Burnley , together with the following Visitors F . W . Dunn 137 , Harold Woodcock W . M . 2470 , G . W . Capel 493 ,
H . Robbins P . M . 1703 , G . B . Chapman P . P . G . S . of W . Kent , G . B . Davies P . M . 13 , George Owen P . P . S . G . W . North Wales and Shropshire , A . Aslett 1124 , T . Halsted 90 , M . R . Webb P . M . 1657 , J . Finch P . M . 1196 , J . Philip Upton S . W . 1328 , W . W . Morgan 177 , and J . Tickle P . P . G . Reg . Middlesex .
The business of the meeting included the passing of Bro . Dunn , on behalf of his Lodge , the Amity , of Poole ; the usual elections and the appointment of Auditors . Bro . Milton Smith was chosen as Master for next year , Bro . Glenn was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro , J . Gilbert Tyler .
Considerable enthusiasm was shown among the members as to the result of Bro . Whadcoat ' s presidency during the past year , and Past Master Bywater , the father of the Lodge , expressed the gratification they all felt that so much good had been done , concluding his remarks by moving the following resolution :
" That the members of the Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 desire to record their hearty thanks to Bro . John H . Whadcoaii for the very able and courteous manner in which he has presided over the meetings of the Lodge during his year of office as Worshipful Master , as well as for his zeal and great liberality
in behalf of the Benevolent Fund , whereby its sphere of usefulness has been so largely extended . " That the above resolution be engrossed on vellum and presented to Bro . Whadcoat with a Past Master's jewel . 18 th December 1894 . "
This was unanimously agreed to , and the Lodge being closed the company adjourned to the banquet room , which was most tastefully decorated , a novel feature being the introduction of electric light ornaments on the table , producing a very pleasing effect , and calling forth later in the evening a special vote of thanks from the Lodge to Messrs Ritter and Puzey , the Proprietors of the Hotel , and to their Manager , Bro . J . W . Aptommas .
At the conclusion of the dinner the Master submitted the usual loyal toasts , feeling assured he was justified in saying the Royal Athelstan Lodge echoed the sentiments of the whole Masonic world in expressing pleasure at the re-election of the Prince of Wales as Grand Master of England .
The name of Bro . Bywater , the father of the Lodge and G . Sword Bearer of England of the Jubilee year was coupled with the toast of the Grand Officers . Bro . Bywater , in reply , desired to tender his very sincere thanks for the kind way in which the Brethren had drunk to the health of the Grand Officers . Referring to a song rendered in excellent form
by Mdlle . Cheron , Bro . Bywater said that after such notes as they had just heard he hardly knew how to pitch his voice so as to address them , and tender thanks for the hard working noblemen at the head of their Order . When he was initiated there were some 500 Lodges on the English Register , now the number had risen to 2 , 500 , and much of this growth was due to the care and ability
displayed by the Grand Officers . When he had the honour of carrying the sword in front of the Prince of Wales on that memorable day of the Jubilee he looked upon a sight that he was sure would never be forgotten by those who participated in it ; he could equally say that the reception at all times accorded the toast of the Grand Officers was equally never to be forgotten .
The Immediate Past Master proposed the health of the Master . Once more it was his privilege to ask the members to honour the toast of their most estimable Worshipful Master Bro . Whadcoat . Hitherto it had been an unmixed pleasure for him to submit it , but now the duty was mixed with regret , because he was reminded that would be the last occasion on which he would be called upon
to propose the toast . Their Brother Whadcoat had carried out the duties of his Mastership most efficiently and carefully , and , indeed , has so conducted his duties as to reflect credit both on himself and his Lodge , and his working had called forth the highest encomiums from members and visitors alike . It was difficult to say much that had not already been said in praise of their Master , for their
Brother Bywater had crowned the efforts of the year by making a most telling speech in introducing the proposition that had been agreed to in the Lodge . He had often heard it remarked that a Master was voted a jewel of the " usual value , " but he was glad that formula had not been observed in their case that day—it would by no means have represented their feelings . He was pleased to find
that a loop-hole had been found and that , at the suggestion of their esteemed Bro . Bywater , they had arranged to present the Master with an illuminated address . Without exception the Master of the past year was the best the Lodge had had for many years , in fact he was one of the most distinguished of those who had filled the chair of their Lodge . It was twenty-five years since such a
compliment as an address had been voted to one of their Masters , indeed the present Master was but the second who had received that special mark of appreciation . The members desired to specially thank their ruler for his great generosity , and for the splendid entertainment he had provided , and assured him he would carry from the chair the reputation of having excelled in his position as ruler .