Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1
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PHOTOGMPHT. S.HOCKETT&Co., PhotographicPrinters, POTTERSROAD,NEWBARNET. NEGATIVES sent to us by Parcels Post , securely packed , receive prompt attention , and Prints in SILVEB , PLATINOTYPE , P . O . P ., giving best obtainable results , forwarded without delay . We are also pleased to answer inquiries , and give information and advice , for which our large experience fully qualifies us . Price Lists on application .
HOTELS,ETC. — : o : — T 7 ULING—Feathers Hotel . EASTBOUBNE—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR , Proprietor . EAST MOLESEY— Castle Hotel , Hampton Court Station . Specimen Menus , with Tariff , on application . JOHN MAYO , Proprietor . HAVERFORDWEST—Queen ' s Family and Commercial Hotel . BEN . M . DAVIES , Proprietor . EICHMOND—Station Hotel , adjoins Railway Station . Every accommodation for Large or Small Parties . SANDWICH—BELL Family and Commercial Hotel . Good Stabling . J . J . FILMER , Proprietor . COWE S ( WEST ) -Gloucester and Globe Hotels . G . A . MUR 8 ELL , Proprietor . BRO . JOHN PROBERT will be happy to provide high class Music for Masonic Meetings , Consecrations , Installations and Ladies' Nights . For terms : —Woodville , New Barnet , N . BOOKBINDING in all its branches . Price list on application , Morgan , Fleet Works , Bulwer Road , New Barnet .
Board Of Benevolence.
THE usual monthly meeting of this Board was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . The three chairs , were occupied by Bros . Eobert Grey President , C . A . Cottebrune Junior Vice President as Senior Vice President , and Albert Lucking P . G . P . as
Junior Vice President . Bro . Edward Letchworth Grand Secretary , A . A . Pendlebury Assistant Grand Secretary , W . Dodd and W . H . Lee attended from the Grand Secretary ' s office , and among other Brethren present
were Bros . E . Terry P . G . Treas ., T . VV . Whitmarsh P . G . P ., H . Garrod P . G . P ., D . 0 . Mercer P . G . P ., S . Valentine P . G . P ., S . V . Abraham P . G . P ., & c , J . E . Tijou P . G . A . P .
The Brethren confirmed grants to the amount of £ 440 . There were forty-five cases in the new list , qualified through Lodges in the London District and at Canterbury , Holmfirth , Stockton-on-Tees , Ashton , Bury
St . Edmunds , Bnxham , York Town , Plymouth , Feltham , Hanley , Antigua , Halifax , Stafford , Uttoxeter , Shanghai , Ashton-under-Lyne , Southport , Wigan , Sutton , Bombay , Eochford , Peshawur and Liverpool .
At a quarter past six , when the Board had only just disposed of eight cases , Bro . Eobert Grey President interrupted the proceedings by addressing the Brethren
as follows : —Brethren , it is only since the Grand Secretary has come down that I have learned why the face that is so familiar here at this Board is not opposite to me to-night . We know that our Bro . Brett Senior
Board Of Benevolence.
Vice President would not be absent from this Board unless it were that a very great trouble had overcome him . It is only those who have experienced such trouble can adequately sympathise with others who have had the same misfortune . Our Bro . Brett , I am sorry
to say , has lost his partner in life , and I feel assured that this Board would like to offer to him its most heartfelt , fraternal and sincere condolence in the sad bereavement which has befallen him . I therefore move such a vote .
Bro , C . A . Cottebrune Junior Vice President followed , saying : Brethren , I sincerely second the vote . When I heard of my old friend's loss I felt how great it must be to him , but I am sure our vote of condolence will
somewhat alleviate his sorrow . The motion was carried unanimously . The Brethren voted a total sum of £ 810 , which was composed of two sums of £ 100 each , five of £ 40 each ,
four of £ 30 each , seven of £ 20 each , thirteen of £ 10 each ,
and four of £ 5 each . Two cases were dismissed , and eight deferred . Some Lodges delight in having a big staff of Officers , says the " Mallet , " in " Glasgow Evening News . "
When Offices are created , however , the duties of which even an Installing Master cannot explain , one is made to pause and ask why such positions are invented ? If it is to enable' the Lodge to give offices to a few of the
aspiring members and so give them more interest in the Lodge than if they were members only , it is surely undoing , and effectively too , what was intended , when '
on installation night such are told , not only that they have no duties , but that the Lodge has not thought it needful to provide the necessary emblem of office .
o o o Sir Benjamin Eichardson recently lectured at St . George ' s Hall , Langham Place , on the rise and growth of Freemasonry . The lecturer indicated , without
proving , the connection of Cathedral building with the development of Freemasonry in this country . The lecture was an interesting one , but the impression left on the mind of the hearer was only that of a vague and
shadowy temple in the dim distance , the portals of which no one was allowed to pass to witness a single sign or symbol , or to acquaint himself with the fringe of mysteries of the Craft . Such , doubtless , was the purpose of the lecturer . — " Echo . "
o o o We have already mentioned that the Marquis of Zetland will conduct the opening ceremony and laying of the last stone , with Masonic honours , of the Missions
to Seamen Church and Institute , at Middlesborough , for the free use of the 74 , 000 sailors annually entering and leaving the Tees ports . It is now stated that £ 1 , 500 is
yet required to complete the buildings , and the Dowager Duchess of Northumberland has consented to receive , on the occasion of the opening , on the 30 th prox ., purses containing five guineas and upwards in aid of the building fund .
The Eev . A . Kirke recently displayed at the Aquarium Bazaar , a case of Masonic jewels to which quite a romance attaches . They were , it appears , presented to the rev . gentlemen to be realised for the purposes of the new church by the representatives of a Cheshire family
in whose possession the emblems nad long been . Amongst the curios is a gold watch enclosed in a tortoiseshell case , of exquisite workmanship , which is 104 years old , and other curious jewels . —" Brighton Gazette . " O O 0
Bro . George Fletcher , who has resigned the headmastership of the science section of the Derby Technical College , to fulfil a Government appointment in
Devonshire , has been presented with a silver coffee pot and a gold pen by the Brethren of Hartington Lodge of Freemasons , of which he is a member . The presentation was made by Bro . Berridge , says the " Nottingham Express . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PHOTOGMPHT. S.HOCKETT&Co., PhotographicPrinters, POTTERSROAD,NEWBARNET. NEGATIVES sent to us by Parcels Post , securely packed , receive prompt attention , and Prints in SILVEB , PLATINOTYPE , P . O . P ., giving best obtainable results , forwarded without delay . We are also pleased to answer inquiries , and give information and advice , for which our large experience fully qualifies us . Price Lists on application .
HOTELS,ETC. — : o : — T 7 ULING—Feathers Hotel . EASTBOUBNE—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR , Proprietor . EAST MOLESEY— Castle Hotel , Hampton Court Station . Specimen Menus , with Tariff , on application . JOHN MAYO , Proprietor . HAVERFORDWEST—Queen ' s Family and Commercial Hotel . BEN . M . DAVIES , Proprietor . EICHMOND—Station Hotel , adjoins Railway Station . Every accommodation for Large or Small Parties . SANDWICH—BELL Family and Commercial Hotel . Good Stabling . J . J . FILMER , Proprietor . COWE S ( WEST ) -Gloucester and Globe Hotels . G . A . MUR 8 ELL , Proprietor . BRO . JOHN PROBERT will be happy to provide high class Music for Masonic Meetings , Consecrations , Installations and Ladies' Nights . For terms : —Woodville , New Barnet , N . BOOKBINDING in all its branches . Price list on application , Morgan , Fleet Works , Bulwer Road , New Barnet .
Board Of Benevolence.
THE usual monthly meeting of this Board was held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . The three chairs , were occupied by Bros . Eobert Grey President , C . A . Cottebrune Junior Vice President as Senior Vice President , and Albert Lucking P . G . P . as
Junior Vice President . Bro . Edward Letchworth Grand Secretary , A . A . Pendlebury Assistant Grand Secretary , W . Dodd and W . H . Lee attended from the Grand Secretary ' s office , and among other Brethren present
were Bros . E . Terry P . G . Treas ., T . VV . Whitmarsh P . G . P ., H . Garrod P . G . P ., D . 0 . Mercer P . G . P ., S . Valentine P . G . P ., S . V . Abraham P . G . P ., & c , J . E . Tijou P . G . A . P .
The Brethren confirmed grants to the amount of £ 440 . There were forty-five cases in the new list , qualified through Lodges in the London District and at Canterbury , Holmfirth , Stockton-on-Tees , Ashton , Bury
St . Edmunds , Bnxham , York Town , Plymouth , Feltham , Hanley , Antigua , Halifax , Stafford , Uttoxeter , Shanghai , Ashton-under-Lyne , Southport , Wigan , Sutton , Bombay , Eochford , Peshawur and Liverpool .
At a quarter past six , when the Board had only just disposed of eight cases , Bro . Eobert Grey President interrupted the proceedings by addressing the Brethren
as follows : —Brethren , it is only since the Grand Secretary has come down that I have learned why the face that is so familiar here at this Board is not opposite to me to-night . We know that our Bro . Brett Senior
Board Of Benevolence.
Vice President would not be absent from this Board unless it were that a very great trouble had overcome him . It is only those who have experienced such trouble can adequately sympathise with others who have had the same misfortune . Our Bro . Brett , I am sorry
to say , has lost his partner in life , and I feel assured that this Board would like to offer to him its most heartfelt , fraternal and sincere condolence in the sad bereavement which has befallen him . I therefore move such a vote .
Bro , C . A . Cottebrune Junior Vice President followed , saying : Brethren , I sincerely second the vote . When I heard of my old friend's loss I felt how great it must be to him , but I am sure our vote of condolence will
somewhat alleviate his sorrow . The motion was carried unanimously . The Brethren voted a total sum of £ 810 , which was composed of two sums of £ 100 each , five of £ 40 each ,
four of £ 30 each , seven of £ 20 each , thirteen of £ 10 each ,
and four of £ 5 each . Two cases were dismissed , and eight deferred . Some Lodges delight in having a big staff of Officers , says the " Mallet , " in " Glasgow Evening News . "
When Offices are created , however , the duties of which even an Installing Master cannot explain , one is made to pause and ask why such positions are invented ? If it is to enable' the Lodge to give offices to a few of the
aspiring members and so give them more interest in the Lodge than if they were members only , it is surely undoing , and effectively too , what was intended , when '
on installation night such are told , not only that they have no duties , but that the Lodge has not thought it needful to provide the necessary emblem of office .
o o o Sir Benjamin Eichardson recently lectured at St . George ' s Hall , Langham Place , on the rise and growth of Freemasonry . The lecturer indicated , without
proving , the connection of Cathedral building with the development of Freemasonry in this country . The lecture was an interesting one , but the impression left on the mind of the hearer was only that of a vague and
shadowy temple in the dim distance , the portals of which no one was allowed to pass to witness a single sign or symbol , or to acquaint himself with the fringe of mysteries of the Craft . Such , doubtless , was the purpose of the lecturer . — " Echo . "
o o o We have already mentioned that the Marquis of Zetland will conduct the opening ceremony and laying of the last stone , with Masonic honours , of the Missions
to Seamen Church and Institute , at Middlesborough , for the free use of the 74 , 000 sailors annually entering and leaving the Tees ports . It is now stated that £ 1 , 500 is
yet required to complete the buildings , and the Dowager Duchess of Northumberland has consented to receive , on the occasion of the opening , on the 30 th prox ., purses containing five guineas and upwards in aid of the building fund .
The Eev . A . Kirke recently displayed at the Aquarium Bazaar , a case of Masonic jewels to which quite a romance attaches . They were , it appears , presented to the rev . gentlemen to be realised for the purposes of the new church by the representatives of a Cheshire family
in whose possession the emblems nad long been . Amongst the curios is a gold watch enclosed in a tortoiseshell case , of exquisite workmanship , which is 104 years old , and other curious jewels . —" Brighton Gazette . " O O 0
Bro . George Fletcher , who has resigned the headmastership of the science section of the Derby Technical College , to fulfil a Government appointment in
Devonshire , has been presented with a silver coffee pot and a gold pen by the Brethren of Hartington Lodge of Freemasons , of which he is a member . The presentation was made by Bro . Berridge , says the " Nottingham Express . "